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Small Scares  

wynterfrost 39F
0 posts
11/29/2022 12:58 pm
Small Scares

Hello! This is my very first blog post. Most I have nothing interesting or exciting to talk about or discuss, but what I do is write stories that are maybe slightly creepy, but nothing overtly scary sometimes, Typically, I only show my stories to my friends, but after thinking for a while over a suggestion that was mentioned to me, I figured she could possibly be right, and it’s not so bad sharing my “Small Scares”, at least that’s what I’m calling them lol. I am by no means an author, so they might not be “standard format”, but I’m<b> giving </font></b>it a go! These first two stories are pretty short, so I decided to just post them at the same time.

Small Scares Story 1

You're upstairs doing your homework while listening to some low key music. You’ve been coming home for the last week from your college campus because you did not want to suffer through all the nonsense and antics of “hell week”. As you finish typing the last page on one of your reports, you put your laptop down on the night stand table by your bed, and stretch. A few minutes later you hear your mother say, “Honey! Dinner is ready!” A wide toothy smile spreads across your face because your mother has made your favorite meal tonight. You jump up happily, and leave from out of your bedroom heading downstairs.

You can smell the sweet spicy aroma of food cooking as the scent swirls around your nostrils, when your half way down the staircase. As soon as you make it to the bottom of the stairs, you are abruptly snatched into the closet with a hand pressed firmly over your mouth as you're being pinned to the wall. Your fight or flight response starts to kick in, but as you’re about to make a decision, your eyes adjust more to the darkness, and you can make out that it’s your mother's face. You immediately calm down, and your mother takes her hand from over your mouth. She stares intently at you, grabs you by both of your arms with a firm grip, swallows hard, and says...“Don’t worry honey...I heard it too.”

Small Scares Story 2

It’s been a very tiring day at work. You pull into the driveway of your home, take a deep long sign, and cut the engine off. You get out of your car, drag yourself to the front door, unlock it and go inside. You lock your door and put your car keys in the bowl on the table next to the telephone. You definitely don’t feel like cooking anything this evening, so you take your jacket off, throw it on the couch, and walk towards the refrigerator. You open the door and peer inside. After a few minutes you decide you’re going to have the lasagna from last night, with a fresh toss salad, and a few glasses of good wine. You head towards the oven, and turn it on to let it preheat. While the oven is going, you take out the salad, wash and prepare it, put it in a bowl, and sit it on the table. The timer goes off on the oven and you put the lasagna in. You leave from the kitchen, retrieve your jacket from the couch, and head upstairs.

You go into your bedroom, put your jacket on a hanger, stick it in your wardrobe, take your phone out of your pocket, and put it on charge on the table close to your bed. You take your shoes off and head towards the bathroom. You slide the door to shower open and turn on the water. As the water is going, you get the urge to pee. You raise the toilet lid, pull your pants down, have a sit, and start doing your business. As you feel the last amount of urine emptying from your bladder, you notice something odd and look questioningly confused. While you’re sitting on the toilet seat, you’s warm.

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