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Blocked List
Blocked List For a long time I added the worst of the people on blocked list but over the last 6 months I realized. Most people should be blocked. Whether it's sending dick pictures, being insulting, rude, or vulgar, even becoming obsessive. Currently you are more likely be added blocked list than avoid it. Which why I have hundreds of people on it. That's just reality so many boys think they are owed something or act as if they are entitled more. You are not, truth is guys sign up every day by the basket full. So why should I put up with any bullshit or hassle at all. I am not even looking add lovers currently. You fuckers ruined that desire with being full of shit (or boys). are some tips avoid being blocked, I doubt it will help but it might. Either way it's good advice. +Don't pictures of your cock +If told no, maybe even sharply or bluntly ( like when a 55 your old man sends a about "I will lick that kitty". I respond no interest or unlikely) don't be an insulting dick calling names. +Don't message me vulgar descriptions on how you want treat body. ever +Behavior more like a decent human +Treat the people as if you where talking them in public (not flashing your cock I would hope) +Read the fucking profiles people write. (I don't want answer questions I already wrote answers ) +If you don't like attitude then just shut up. (it's not hard stop sending comments, then either never try to with again or try another day with tactic.) +Have something say not about . (That's it keep of our first few conversations. You know as if we were talking in public .) +Behave in a manner that might get you laid. (Again not flashing your cock, using insults, describe the violation of the others body or be less horny fuck boy) +Remember I don't need you. (Take that as there are hundreds even thousands of other horny boys replace you, I'm not seeking males, or I'm married and I enjoy husband and our life) +Don't try be cute ( humor is not funny ladies) + Don't be a sissy. (don't<b> whine </font></b>and complain about I was rude or hurt your feelings you fucking sissy bitches. I'm an assertive honest straight forward and blunt lady. fucking deal with it or shut the fuck up.) +don't be clingy (from time time some builds a fantasy relationship off sending in emails. don't, a is simply acknowledging you attempted communicate with . nothing more) + Don't offer . ( it shouldn't need said but so many do. fucking don't.) +plus much more. I know it seem like a lot of rules and guild lines. It should be. it your fucks are trying get naked with you. So fucking learn, read, and grow or get bent. I can care less Let's just be honest the best way avoid blocked list is not try and with at all. other wise you'll miss all blog updates Well thanks for reading and enjoy life, till next time |
I've blocked members and it doesn't seem to work. This site is so technically back-asswords that I'm not surprised.
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2/4/2020 7:50 pm |
Well said. You have actually inspired me to write my very first blog of my own. Lol.
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