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Blogs > tazzerman2000 > Cosmic Debris Part Three! |
Inappropriate Temptation
Inappropriate Temptation First off, let me preface this post by admitting that I've spent the better part of 50 some odd years succumbing to ALL temptations so I MIGHT not be the best commentator on this topic.... LOL We're all tempted, enticed, allured.. Hell there are entire industries who's sole purpose is to tempt us. Are they ALL appropriate? Doubtful. Legal? Maybe. What IS inappropriate temptation? Well a quick check of the online dictionary defines inappropriate thusly: not appropriate; not proper or suitable: That's it folks and well that seems a bit vague now doesn't it? Certainly in this day and age, one persons 'appropriate' can definitely be just that now can't it? I mean really, don't we live in a time/world when just about ANYTHING goes and if that's the case who's to say what is and isn't 'appropriate'? Of course there are those 'moralists' among us who would argue this point not to mention those with strong religious backgrounds but in the end, especially NOW, in this particular time and place, we're all free to say a big FUCK YOU to those who disagree with our notion of what is and isn't appropriate now aren't we? So given that, can there really be such a thing as inappropriate temptation? How about the opposite arguement that ALL<b> temptation </font></b>by it's very nature could be deemed inappropriate? I guess the bigger arguement or picture here is maybe that of right and wrong in general isn't it? Are there in fact SOME things we has human beings can still agree on that are intrensically right and/or wrong? Maybe, maybe not. Is the Ten Commandments a good place to start? Maybe.. But then again, I'd bet there are quite a few folks out here who'd have a problem regarding the admonishment about adultry eh? Killing another human being seems to be something we might agree on but then again, look around the world folks.... We humans seems to be able to do that without so much as batting an eyelash. Is there ANY<b> temptation </font></b>we can all agree on as being inappropriate? Personally I doubt it so that leaves us each to make up our OWN minds about what is and isn't appropriate. All we can hope for is that the majority of us see things somewhat in the same way and can agree on SOME things, otherwise, society will in fact descend into total chaos.. Oh wait........ Have you ever read Lord of the Flies? Regarding sex and<b> temptation.... </font></b>well that's an even stickier whicket so to speak. Women who show too much cleavage or wear tight skirts with no underwear are tempting now aren't they? They're also called all KINDS of names, most with bad connotations but hey, the<b> temptation </font></b>is in fact in the eye of the beholder now isn't it? What about young, girls who are dolled up for beauty pagents etc. Talk about inappropriate eh? Or young used in TV commercials? I can go on and on and on but again, the bottom line is thislt;b> temptation </font></b>IS in fact in the eye of the beholder and it's our own, individual 'moral compass' that allows us to be tempted or not. |
Great discussion on the separation between inappropriateness and unethical -- seems to me that the only truly inappropriate temptations are those which actively harm another individual. "Actively" is a key word here -- someone who takes offense at an abstract idea, or at the thought of my doing something, is not actively harmed. Someone who is actively harmed -- my giving in to the temptation to kick the small child who is having a loud, public tantrum into oncoming traffic -- is inappropriate (never mind illegal, although to be sure I'm no lawyer and would have to check on this). But a question remains: Of the bevy of beauties pictured, which ones are inappropriate? Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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You did it on this one.. I believe temptation inappropriate is all way you see it.. What is inappropriate for one person is desire for another one.. hugssssssss V Love the read.. Well done! Become a blog watcher sweet_vm
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I think you nailed it- is there anything we can all agree on? One man's meat is another's poison. Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along?" And the answer is no. Become a member now and get a free tote bag.
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You bring up a good point- is there ever a temptation that is appropriate? I have been tempted by my lovers to have one more go when we were supposed to be somewhere else at a particular time. Is that appropriate temptation? Or inappropriate temptation? Ha! Kitkat The observant make the best lovers, I may not do right, but I do write, I have bliss, joy, and happiness in my life, Kitkat Come check out my blog KItkat1415 check out this post by me Adventures In Body Grooming #39 April Topic Link: What Lies Beneath If April Showers Oh Bloody Hell What Kind Of Weather Turns Me On Bloggers Symposium 40
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