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A HAPPY COVID-FREE NEW YEAR? I do not normally make resolutions for the New Year; they have always ended in failure! I should resolve give smoking, but I have given<b> giving </font></b>! I should resolve do more exercise but that takes effort! I should resolve reduce my intake of coffee, but I would not be able start the day so brightly without coffee! This coming year, hopefully next month, will be all about moving into and refurbishing a new house on the edge of the city. This move has proven to be the most stressful move I have ever experienced. My solicitor seems intent on keeping in the dark about progress selling my apartment and buying the house. The weeks just before Christmas I tried phone the solicitor almost every day without getting to speak to her. Do you have a resolution for the New Year? What do you most wish for this coming year? Though I do not make resolutions for the New Year, I do have wishes for the coming year. Most of all, I wish governments worldwide will get to grips with covid. Covid, a bit like influenza, looks as if it is going to be here for a long time. The only choice is that we must learn to live with it hopefully without resorting to social distancing, travel restrictions and lockdowns. Though no scientist, there seems only two ways that covid will be tamed. The first way involves the virus itself and how it mutates into new variants. Hopefully, the virus will mutate into a relatively harmless virus but there is no certainty that this will happen. The Omicron variant seems less potent in terms of symptoms, hospital admissions and deaths than previous variants but it is far more transmissible. The second way to control covid is through vaccinations, plus other medicines. Given that immunity of the human body after getting covid appears to be limited, it looks as if regular vaccinations, like annual flu jabs for older people, are going to be the answer. But the problem is that only the rich countries are getting most of its people vaccinated regularly. Poor countries are struggling to get and administer the vaccines, which means that covid and its endless variants will flourish in these countries and spread to richer countries with the risk that one covid variant, resistant to vaccination, will run riot across the world. For this reason alone, we will only be safe from covid if everyone in the world is vaccinated. The United Nations has launched a COVAX scheme to get vaccines to poorer countries. But rich countries need to do far more in<b> giving </font></b>stockpiled vaccines to this scheme. And pharmaceutical companies, which have made massive profits from covid, need to relax their patents to allow poorer countries to manufacture vaccines or at least charge poorer countries only a cost price for vaccines. Unfortunately, I do not hold out much hope that all this will happen. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. |
I wonder whether I’ll get a stupid ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ comment with this post. I don't get it as my name isn't Brandon!
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Lol@brandon. Will keep my political views out. 🤪 I will try to quit smoking or at least cut back to “casual” status. It’s sooo good with that first cup of coffee. Past that, just make the best of the year with my family. We pack today and travel tomorrow. Have a happy new year! Have a great day! 💋 Staci
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Happy new year
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Do you have a resolution for the New Year? My resolution every year is to be a better version of myself than the one before What do you most wish for this coming year? Like you, my hope is that Covid is managed, somehow, some way. I'm no scientist and have no idea what that is going to take beyond vaccines. I wonder whether I’ll get a stupid ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ comment with this post. I don't get it as my name isn't Brandon! These people crack me up, it's like they think they're "owning the libs" by saying this. Shit, they're adults, they can swear, why not just say "Fuck off Biden". As one who actually voted for Biden, I'm not offended in the least. He's not the greatest president, and I agree with many peoples' points regarding him. Still better than Trump though. This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.
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12/31/2021 7:09 am |
Hopefully Covid case might not be as bad in 22. Hope your 22 is a Deuce! Basically a good thing.
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I agree that vaccinations need to get to the third world countries as it will spread even quicker it does not. I think though it would help even more if there was no travelling at all between countries both third world and the richer countries as that would stop the spread even more.. Close all borders both air travel, sea and land until numbers go down. My afternoon one is also about resolutions Hun..I wish to finally spend time with my three kids and grandson as I have not been able to since August 2019. I wish for them and all of us to be healthy and safe.Happy New Year's Eve Hun.xoxo
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YUP, you and I have the same view on the science and politics of this whole Covid mess. Do you have a resolution for the New Year? - Several years ago I decided if I got any more perfect no one would be able to stand me, so - no. What do you most wish for this coming year? - Like you, some resolution to how to live with Covid. The Sexual Reassignment Surgery Bowl Doing My Own Thing, on HNW Signs of the Times [post 3312759] My Private Post - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets – Anything you write here is just between us
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Happy Covid Free New Year to you too my friend. May it be a Happy and Healthy and Prosperous one. I hope you will be very happy in your new home once you get in there.. Do you have a resolution for the New Year? No I don't believe in them. What do you most wish for this coming year? I wish that everyone with Cancer, and Covid and any other diseases are cured once and for all. And I just want everyone to have a very Happy and Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.. I can't wait for 2021 to be over with..
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I'll be posting about a few goals that I have for 2022. ("goals" somehow seem much more attainable than resolutions). My one wish with Covid is that people would cut the scientists a bit of slack and realize that they're learning about this virus as we go. The initial vaccine news was SO amazing! 95% protection! And the first few months were fantastic. Then Delta came and scientists figured out that our antibodies started dropping pretty rapidly after a few months. Probably it was a mistake to trumpet 95% effectiveness early on. Also a mistake to tell people "it's OK, you vaccinated people can throw away your masks now". I'm pretty sure I will continue to be more cautious than most people. That just seems to be the way I'm built, something that I've learned about myself over the past couple years. Happy New Year spunky!
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, spunky! I don't make resolutions! I do wish for a better, happier 2022! I quit smoking just over 6 years ago after smoking for 50 years...(cold turkey)
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I don't make any New Years resolutions but yes, let's hope the Covid pandemic burns itself out...eventually. There's already a new pill that should soon be approved.
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We all deserve a better year ahead. Enjoy your evening. 🍸🍸😎❗ ... is there another way to look at it Going Too Fucking Far NEW Blog Features RevealeD O O A Foolproof Method Posted Over on that NEW site O O
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Hoping for the virus to die out. Happy New Year hugs V Become a blog watcher sweet_vm
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Happy New Year!!
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Lol@brandon. Will keep my political views out. 🤪 I will try to quit smoking or at least cut back to “casual” status. It’s sooo good with that first cup of coffee. Past that, just make the best of the year with my family. We pack today and travel tomorrow. Have a happy new year! I've given up trying to quit smoking but I do try to reduce how much I smoke.
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Happy new year Thanks for stopping by.
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Do you have a resolution for the New Year? My resolution every year is to be a better version of myself than the one before What do you most wish for this coming year? Like you, my hope is that Covid is managed, somehow, some way. I'm no scientist and have no idea what that is going to take beyond vaccines. I wonder whether I’ll get a stupid ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ comment with this post. I don't get it as my name isn't Brandon! These people crack me up, it's like they think they're "owning the libs" by saying this. Shit, they're adults, they can swear, why not just say "Fuck off Biden". As one who actually voted for Biden, I'm not offended in the least. He's not the greatest president, and I agree with many peoples' points regarding him. Still better than Trump though. I'd be interested to know whether you saw last year's storming of Congress as an attempted coup or whether it was an initially legitimate protest that got out of hand.
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Hopefully Covid case might not be as bad in 22. Hope your 22 is a Deuce! Basically a good thing.
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I agree that vaccinations need to get to the third world countries as it will spread even quicker it does not. I think though it would help even more if there was no travelling at all between countries both third world and the richer countries as that would stop the spread even more.. Close all borders both air travel, sea and land until numbers go down. My afternoon one is also about resolutions Hun..I wish to finally spend time with my three kids and grandson as I have not been able to since August 2019. I wish for them and all of us to be healthy and safe.Happy New Year's Eve Hun.xoxo I hope you get to see your family very soon.
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YUP, you and I have the same view on the science and politics of this whole Covid mess. Do you have a resolution for the New Year? - Several years ago I decided if I got any more perfect no one would be able to stand me, so - no. What do you most wish for this coming year? - Like you, some resolution to how to live with Covid. The Sexual Reassignment Surgery Bowl Doing My Own Thing, on HNW Signs of the Times [post 3312759] My Private Post - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets – Anything you write here is just between us
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Happy Covid Free New Year to you too my friend. May it be a Happy and Healthy and Prosperous one. I hope you will be very happy in your new home once you get in there.. Do you have a resolution for the New Year? No I don't believe in them. What do you most wish for this coming year? I wish that everyone with Cancer, and Covid and any other diseases are cured once and for all. And I just want everyone to have a very Happy and Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.. I can't wait for 2021 to be over with..
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I'll be posting about a few goals that I have for 2022. ("goals" somehow seem much more attainable than resolutions). My one wish with Covid is that people would cut the scientists a bit of slack and realize that they're learning about this virus as we go. The initial vaccine news was SO amazing! 95% protection! And the first few months were fantastic. Then Delta came and scientists figured out that our antibodies started dropping pretty rapidly after a few months. Probably it was a mistake to trumpet 95% effectiveness early on. Also a mistake to tell people "it's OK, you vaccinated people can throw away your masks now". I'm pretty sure I will continue to be more cautious than most people. That just seems to be the way I'm built, something that I've learned about myself over the past couple years. Happy New Year spunky! Here politicians always like to say they're following the science as if there's only one science and way to interpret and act on scientific research. Here in the UK, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are already doing quite different things in response to the same scientific advice. Science, like politics, is also a disputed field. But with covid, like climate change, there is a massive consensus of scientific opinion. It's up to politicians to decide what to do in terms of laws and regulations. And it's up to individuals what they do or don't do in terms of their behaviour. Sorry, I'm rambling!
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, spunky! I don't make resolutions! I do wish for a better, happier 2022! I quit smoking just over 6 years ago after smoking for 50 years...(cold turkey)
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I don't make any New Years resolutions but yes, let's hope the Covid pandemic burns itself out...eventually. There's already a new pill that should soon be approved.
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We all deserve a better year ahead. Enjoy your evening. 🍸🍸😎❗
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Hoping for the virus to die out. Happy New Year hugs V
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Happy New Year!!
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If 'Let's Go Brandon' is the best the Trumpians can offer, then so be it. At least it's a little more articulate than their normal insults. Even Brits who don't vote in American elections aren't spared their puerile attention! I'd be interested to know whether you saw last year's storming of Congress as an attempted coup or whether it was an initially legitimate protest that got out of hand. I am of the mind that there were a combination of people there Ones who were just there as a legitimate protest because they bought into the propaganda, but didn't do anything beyond exercise their right to protest. Ones who came went with the goal of attempting a coup Ones who were there in protest and got caught up in the emotions of the coup attempt and joined in. This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.
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Too true, they usually have such ridiculousness coming out of their mouths. I am of the mind that there were a combination of people there Ones who were just there as a legitimate protest because they bought into the propaganda, but didn't do anything beyond exercise their right to protest. Ones who came went with the goal of attempting a coup Ones who were there in protest and got caught up in the emotions of the coup attempt and joined in.
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I understand that vaccinations aren't for you if you had a bad reaction. Wishing you a Happy New Year.
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Let's hope covid gets blown away this year. Thanks for stopping by.
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Happy New Year to all! With health and strength as we say here.
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Happy New Year to all! With health and strength as we say here.
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