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Goodbye Loves!  

silkiesoft1958 66F
49 posts
7/11/2021 5:23 pm
Goodbye Loves!

This goes out to all my great friends and supporters I have met while on here. 99Flavors has been an interesting ride, but I will be closing my account and leaving this week.

Thank you for your support and love. You are amazing and I wish you much love and happiness.

This journey has run its course for me. In retrospect, it was fun, frustrating, and testing. But I do not regret a moment because of you.

Last week was particularly difficult on here but not impossible. After confronting that<b> stalker </font></b>directly, it became apparent that he does not have the subsistence to face me and talk directly to me. He is just a cowardly bully stalking me on my blogs but unable to express himself in person. Figures.

There have been good dates and bad ones. Kind people and ridiculous folks. Lots of sex, mostly vanilla and unimpressive. From this I can glean that there is indeed a mental healthcare crisis in our country.

Through all of this though I remain pure to who I am. I know my worth and I know how much I have to offer and what I can reasonably expect in return. I am a realist. And the grim reality is that our culture has turned into a disposable, cutting and disrespectful one. That is a shame because when I was young, we had fun; we knew how to enjoy life and respect each other. There is too much fighting now. Too much fear.

That is what I found myself doing everyday was fighting with young people. That is not my job. If their schools, families, and faith disappointed them, I do not have to correct that. I have my own life to live.

So that is what I am off to do. I have too much to offer to be strapped to this site and its nonsense. I am looking forward to pursuing my retirement (I retired mid Covid so I am a bit behind), and discovering new places, people and things.

Best of life to you all. Be safe and happy. You are worth it!! I hope I have made a positive impact on your life as you have on mine.

H8_2_W8 54F
18 posts
7/11/2021 11:21 pm

Sorry to read you've chosen to leave AdultFriendFinder.

jajo696 114F  
4287 posts
7/12/2021 2:46 am

I wish you, light and most of all ...peace. Congrats on retirement and enjoy the journey~

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
7/12/2021 2:53 am

I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving blogland. Take care.

countryqueen1 74F

7/12/2021 4:30 am

I wish you well. Too bad your decision is to leave the site completely. You could still write blogs and keep us up to date on what you're finding out in the real world.

WyoCowboy7751 71M
2537 posts
7/12/2021 4:31 am

Your Gain , so too speak , is Our LOSS

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