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Tonight at the gym....  

secret_lade 50F
14419 posts
6/23/2020 4:23 pm
Tonight at the gym....

Yes folks, that is correct!

The gym is open at long last and I have returned. For the first time since March 17th, I walked on a treadmill and spent some time on the elliptical.

I'm pretty sure I want to die at this moment... But it was so worth it as I have missed my gym time SO much.

It's a good feeling! Not even worried about the Gym Stalker being there on my very first day back.


He tried contacting me on here not that long ago... I reminded him that things didn't work out the first time around, to which he apologized and said he'd made a lot of changes in his life.

Wondered if he could try it again.

It was definitely a case of same but different....

Instead of a wife, he now has a live in girlfriend. Instead of living two towns over, he now lives in my town. And instead of working for a manufacturing facility he is now self employed.

When I asked him what he was looking for, he had stated someone he could spend time with and have a conversation.

Forgive me if I'm wrong.... But..... Isn't that what the live in girlfriend is for??

My guess is, he is not being satisfied sexually by the girlfriend. He's really just looking for someone to hook up with from time to time and it really doesn't matter if she is smart or has the ability to carry on a conversation.

If he gets his way, the only words spoken aloud will be "oh God", "don't stop", and "harder".

So, yah, I passed on that opportunity. I think I'd like to find something a little more meaningful this time around.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/25/2020 3:18 am

    Quoting Paulxx001:
    It's always a tough go of it to step into a gym after a long break.
That's the truth!!

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
6/24/2020 11:02 pm

It's always a tough go of it to step into a gym after a long break.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/24/2020 4:54 pm

    Quoting pocogato12:
    I hate to waste a good nursery tune on him but " liar, liar, tongue on fire"
I'd like to see that come to fruition just once... LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/24/2020 4:53 pm

    Quoting WyoCowboy7751:
    Your Obviously Smart enough too use Treadmill, Elliptical and stay away from the Dumbbells
Those dumbbells can be tempting.... But my goal for 2020 is to better myself. So, better myself I will.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/24/2020 4:48 pm

    Quoting citizen4722:
    I'd never make a pass on a woman in a gym...she'd more likely be much fitter than me
Nah... This guy is BUFF. Very muscly. I'm.... definitely not. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/24/2020 4:47 pm

    Quoting merlot5555: glad the gyms are back open..... was almost lost without it..... did a lot of bicycle riding..... now instead of driving to the gym, I ride my bike..... cardio too and fro.... happy sweating, lass from northern MI...
Wow! Look at you! Cycling and doing the gym thing! Happy sweating to you too!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/24/2020 4:45 pm

    Quoting topherific:
    now that you are 'gyming' again, reminder;
    i enjoy giving massages especially workout type relief(a long history of visiting athletic trainers and PTs FYI
LOL Ok... I'll keep that in mind. My legs are pretty sore tonight, I went to the gym anyway. Sometimes it's better to just keep on keeping on.

topherific 61M
5209 posts
6/24/2020 2:06 pm

now that you are 'gyming' again, reminder;
i enjoy giving massages especially workout type relief(a long history of visiting athletic trainers and PTs FYI

merlot5555 67M/57F  
1472 posts
6/24/2020 1:11 pm glad the gyms are back open..... was almost lost without it..... did a lot of bicycle riding..... now instead of driving to the gym, I ride my bike..... cardio too and fro.... happy sweating, lass from northern MI...

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
6/24/2020 9:03 am

I'd never make a pass on a woman in a gym...she'd more likely be much fitter than me

WyoCowboy7751 71M
2537 posts
6/24/2020 7:12 am

Your Obviously Smart enough too use Treadmill, Elliptical and stay away from the Dumbbells

pocogato12 107F  
37235 posts
6/24/2020 5:01 am

I hate to waste a good nursery tune on him but " liar, liar, tongue on fire"

(Virtual Symposium Group) use Virtual Symposium Group

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/24/2020 3:28 am

    Quoting MrWrong4RghtNow:
    Glad you to work out your body and you also got to work out your issues with gymrod. Sounds like you could have picked a better winner from your nose. Lol his loss is everyone else’s gain. Hopefully the only burn you feel is when working your quads.
Gym Stalker was from about 10 years ago... He had only resurfaced when I started working out back in January, and he hasn't actually spoken to me in person..... According to my daughter, just does some creepy staring.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/24/2020 3:23 am

    Quoting lindoboy100:
    Well, on the very bright side, you've gained some wisdom and knowledge from the experience!

    Anything associated with 'gyms' here always reminds me of a personna known as GymDandy, aka Snookeroo, aka many others. He was a total cock!
Hmmm.... I tried googling it, but the only thing I could find was playground equipment and a Ringo Star song. I feel like I'm missing out! LOL

MrWrong4RghtNow 58M
2439 posts
6/24/2020 1:04 am

Glad you to work out your body and you also got to work out your issues with gymrod. Sounds like you could have picked a better winner from your nose. Lol his loss is everyone else’s gain. Hopefully the only burn you feel is when working your quads.

My name is MrWrong and I approved this comment

lindoboy100 61M  
23969 posts
6/23/2020 11:33 pm

Well, on the very bright side, you've gained some wisdom and knowledge from the experience!

Anything associated with 'gyms' here always reminds me of a personna known as GymDandy, aka Snookeroo, aka many others. He was a total cock!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 11:01 pm

    Quoting easy_going2014:
    I'm glad that you got to go to the gym

    it must have been a good release for you

    be safe


    maybe, you'll hit the elliptical with this one

    Bryce Fox - "Horns"

    In her heart there's a hole
    There's a black mark on her soul
    In her hands is my heart
    And she won't let go till it's scarred
    Try to breath but I can't
    'Cause the ashes keep be as damned
    Gotta touch like a thorn
    'Cause in bush she's hiding horns
    She got blood cold as ice
    And a heart made of stone
    But she keeps me alive
    She's the beast in my bones
    She gets everything she wants
    When she gets me alone
    Like it's nothing
    She got two little horns
    And they're getting me a little bit
    She's the fine in the sin
    And I burn breathing her in
I'll give it a try tomorrow! Depending on how sore my legs are... Lol. I overdid it a little tonight, I was just happy to have my routine back.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 10:56 pm

    Quoting LadiesR2B1rst:
    I believe you already know the answer to the gym stalker. If he has a live in girl friend, he's not letting her hang around because she is a good cook.
You're right.... I do know that answer.

LadiesR2B1rst 61M  
2735 posts
6/23/2020 7:23 pm

I believe you already know the answer to the gym stalker. If he has a live in girl friend, he's not letting her hang around because she is a good cook.

easy_going2014 57M
14366 posts
6/23/2020 7:04 pm

I'm glad that you got to go to the gym

it must have been a good release for you

be safe


maybe, you'll hit the elliptical with this one

Bryce Fox - "Horns"

In her heart there's a hole
There's a black mark on her soul
In her hands is my heart
And she won't let go till it's scarred
Try to breath but I can't
'Cause the ashes keep be as damned
Gotta touch like a thorn
'Cause in bush she's hiding horns
She got blood cold as ice
And a heart made of stone
But she keeps me alive
She's the beast in my bones
She gets everything she wants
When she gets me alone
Like it's nothing
She got two little horns
And they're getting me a little bit
She's the fine in the sin
And I burn breathing her in

To leave private messages, please use my confidential mailbox at my blog:

Good luck!!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 6:27 pm

    Quoting jolielaide:
    bullshit. get rid of the gf then. they all start off saying just someone to spend time with and conversation. LIARS!! they get tired of the conversation real fast and then wanna try and up the ante.

    good for you, you hit him with the
I totally agree, if you aren't happy, you shouldn't be with the girlfriend. It's not fair to her to be secretly sleeping with other women.

jolielaide 52F  
1754 posts
6/23/2020 6:08 pm

bullshit. get rid of the gf then. they all start off saying just someone to spend time with and conversation. LIARS!! they get tired of the conversation real fast and then wanna try and up the ante.

good for you, you hit him with the

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 6:08 pm

    Quoting lonlyforlove2:
    You are ahead with your decision, you already know , that with a guy like that it is headed no here! Have a good day, be safe
Yep!! I can do better.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 6:07 pm

    Quoting pagancountrygirl:
    Nothing like summer re-runs. Ugh... Thank goodness there are more options to choose from!
    It's a shame he didn't change that little problem of being a cheater.
Yah, I didn't know he was married first time around until he told me he got divorced. Which means, he is dishonest too.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 6:03 pm

    Quoting New2Midlo:
    I'd also want to hear "you were amazing" and "can I clean your kitchen?"

    Were I some sort of pig, that is.
Lol. I'll clean your kitchen?? Oh my...

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 6:02 pm

    Quoting mc_justmc:
    That sounds odd. If he's looking for something else, why is he with these other women? I'd pass on that, too. How could you trust someone like that?
You can't trust someone like that. I feel a little sorry for the current girlfriend. He's a good looking guy, I'm sure she feels like she picked a winner, he's very polite too.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/23/2020 6:00 pm

    Quoting  :

No, they do not. I know he isn't a reflection of all guys, but get enough of these experiences under your belt, and you kind of become jaded.

lonlyforlove2 81M  
32704 posts
6/23/2020 5:49 pm

You are ahead with your decision, you already know , that with a guy like that it is headed no here! Have a good day, be safe

Stop by at lonlyforlove2
also see Lunch with Lonly , we get snow tomorrow
Check my blog on New Community, "A photo of my big Pecker"
also, " My Sunday afternoon with the kids'

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
6/23/2020 5:43 pm

Nothing like summer re-runs. Ugh... Thank goodness there are more options to choose from!
It's a shame he didn't change that little problem of being a cheater.

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

New2Midlo 54M
1075 posts
6/23/2020 5:39 pm

I'd also want to hear "you were amazing" and "can I clean your kitchen?"

Were I some sort of pig, that is.

mc_justmc 64M

6/23/2020 5:03 pm

That sounds odd. If he's looking for something else, why is he with these other women? I'd pass on that, too. How could you trust someone like that?

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