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I cant find my remote... A Tale of Terror as told by Secret_lade  

secret_lade 50F
14198 posts
1/4/2022 10:42 pm
I cant find my remote... A Tale of Terror as told by Secret_lade

I awoke in the night.... The room was dark and I was tangled in bed sheets and blankets.

"What the hell?!?"

Frustrated that I couldn't get my arm free, I flung the comforter from my body in an attempt to figure out what was going on.


The moment I flung that comforter an object struck the wall and I could hear it sliding down into the crevice between my bed and wall.


With my free arm, I quickly turned on the bedside lamp and surveyed the landscape of my room.

Too many scary movies again.

Everything was just as I'd left it when I'd fallen asleep earlier. I looked down to see that I'd managed to coil myself up in the top sheet on my bed, my legs were free but being a side sleeper my sheet had wrapped itself around my torso and bound one arm.

"Oh, shit. It was the remote."

I had started patting the bed down, looking for my remote, when it hit me....

That object?? Striking the wall next to me?? Was likely the remote flying through the air as I flung the comforter.

Ah, crap....

Why can't I just *not* fall asleep with the remote in my hand? It would certainly make life easier.....

If I did that, though... I'd not have this tale of terror to share with you all, though.

Happy Middle of the Night Tuesday!

Unzipmeslowly51x 54M

1/6/2022 9:15 am

    Quoting secret_lade:
    I know, tell me about it! It's impossible to change channels when everything is streamed anymore. You need the remote!
The thought of getting out of bed in the to turn it me the shivers😁😁

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 11:09 pm

    Quoting mc_justmc:
    I had an image of Tilly hitting the wall!
My lil Tilly Cat?? That'd be devastating. She's a lover, not a fighter. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 11:04 pm

    Quoting EnigmaInitiative:
    Oh noooo....I hope it didn't break when it hit the wall.

    I broke my phone in a somewhat similar incident involving my bed covers on NYE. Sucked to high heaven.

    Happy Wednesday
It did not break, thank God. It's alive and well. As for the phone, that does suck! Hopefully it wasn't too expensive to get fixed. Happy Wednesday!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 11:03 pm

    Quoting Unzipmeslowly51x:
    Haha...that truly is scary...the remote gone😂😂😂
I know, tell me about it! It's impossible to change channels when everything is streamed anymore. You need the remote!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 11:02 pm

    Quoting spunkycumfun:
    At least there's a good tale to tell despite your sleep travails.
I never sleep well, regardless. I'm not quite sure what happened, maybe age, but I long for the days when I could just sleep through the night uninterrrupted.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 10:58 pm

    Quoting WyoCowboy7751:
    mc_justmc Actually did do that one time with my cat 🙀 He hid and avoided me the entire day !!
    secret_lade " Too many scary movies again. " Maybe it is time to stay away from Scary, Romance or Porn and try some Westerns 🤣🤠
You know, I said too many scary movies.... yet, here I am, middle of the night once again, watching a scary movie. Eh, I've got issues. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 10:56 pm

    Quoting MrWrong4RghtNow:
    Could have been worse. Could have been a vibrator instead of a remote lol. Now that's a buzzworthy tale!
    Yes, I'm terrible. Lol
With a cat, dog, and Spawn running around.... I don't see myself leaving something like that just lying around willy nilly. LOL But, you never know...

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 10:55 pm

    Quoting Paulxx001:
    my remote conked out one time.
    spent the rest of the next couple of days running back and forth to the tv until I figured out that the remote for the VCR might work.
    it did.
    I got some exercise for those days.
    So, what else is new?
Luckily, this remote is a die hard, still works just fine. Do you remember those timex commercials.... Takes a licking but keeps on ticking?? LOL Don't know why that just popped into my memory banks, but it did.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 10:51 pm

    Quoting topherific:
    i wouldn't mind holding the remote for ya
That's a huge responsibility.....

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 10:49 pm

It was!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 10:48 pm

    Quoting  :

The remote was just fine, it was certainly a pain in the ass pulling my bed out away from the wall to get it, though. Yikes!

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
1/5/2022 12:05 pm

What a nightmare!

topherific 61M
5209 posts
1/5/2022 9:45 am

i wouldn't mind holding the remote for ya

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
1/5/2022 9:17 am

my remote conked out one time.
spent the rest of the next couple of days running back and forth to the tv until I figured out that the remote for the VCR might work.
it did.
I got some exercise for those days.
So, what else is new?

MrWrong4RghtNow 58M
2439 posts
1/5/2022 7:45 am

Could have been worse. Could have been a vibrator instead of a remote lol. Now that's a buzzworthy tale!
Yes, I'm terrible. Lol

My name is MrWrong and I approved this comment

WyoCowboy7751 71M
2537 posts
1/5/2022 6:34 am

    Quoting mc_justmc:
    I had an image of Tilly hitting the wall!
mc_justmc Actually did do that one time with my cat 🙀 He hid and avoided me the entire day !!
secret_lade " Too many scary movies again. " Maybe it is time to stay away from Scary, Romance or Porn and try some Westerns 🤣🤠

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
1/5/2022 6:28 am

At least there's a good tale to tell despite your sleep travails.

Unzipmeslowly51x 54M

1/5/2022 5:42 am

Haha...that truly is scary...the remote gone😂😂😂

EnigmaInitiative 56F  
6054 posts
1/5/2022 5:08 am

Oh noooo....I hope it didn't break when it hit the wall.

I broke my phone in a somewhat similar incident involving my bed covers on NYE. Sucked to high heaven.

Happy Wednesday

This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/5/2022 4:52 am

    Quoting pagancountrygirl:
    Hopefully it didn't break when it hit the wall....and you'll be able to retrieve it from under the bed without too much trouble.
I had to totally pull the bed out away from the wall... lol. It was a debacle.

mc_justmc 64M

1/5/2022 4:51 am

I had an image of Tilly hitting the wall!

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
1/5/2022 3:24 am

Hopefully it didn't break when it hit the wall....and you'll be able to retrieve it from under the bed without too much trouble.

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

G000dbuddy 36M
1676 posts
1/5/2022 12:33 am


secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
1/4/2022 10:43 pm

I awoke in the night.... The room was dark and I was tangled in bed sheets and blankets.

"What the hell?!?"

Frustrated that I couldn't get my arm free, I flung the comforter from my body in an attempt to figure out what was going on.


The moment I flung that comforter an object struck the wall and I could hear it sliding down into the crevice between my bed and wall.


With my free arm, I quickly turned on the bedside lamp and surveyed the landscape of my room.

Too many scary movies again.

Everything was just as I'd left it when I'd fallen asleep earlier. I looked down to see that I'd managed to coil myself up in the top sheet on my bed, my legs were free but being a side sleeper my sheet had wrapped itself around my torso and bound one arm.

"Oh, shit. It was the remote."

I had started patting the bed down, looking for my remote, when it hit me....

That object?? Striking the wall next to me?? Was likely the remote flying through the air as I flung the comforter.

Ah, crap....

Why can't I just *not* fall asleep with the remote in my hand? It would certainly make life easier.....

If I did that, though... I'd not have this tale of terror to share with you all, though.

Happy Middle of the Night Tuesday!

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