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Death by turkey?  

secret_lade 50F
14277 posts
10/5/2021 4:58 pm
Death by turkey?

The Spawn and I were headed back the house after our walk last night when....

From the corner of my eye....

I spied a brown blob moving through the bushes.

Turning see what exactly was that I was seeing, I soon discovered was a BUNCH of brown blobs moving through the bushes.

"What the hell??"

In a flash, three wild turkeys had popped out of their hiding spots and were staring us down in the middle of the road.

Eye Eye

"They kind of menacing Mom."

I was waiting for the boxing gloves come out and the announcer begin speaking.....

'And in this corner we have Secret_lade! She hails from the town of Bellaire and has an irrational fear of getting her eyes gouged out by large birds with talons.'

"I think that one's<b> giving </font></b>me the side-eye. The thing missing is a leather jacket and a pack of smokes rolled up in the sleeve of his t-shirt."

We stood for a long moment, eyeballing each other in the setting sun, when suddenly they turned and stumbled away.

Thank God.

I really do have an irrational fear of getting my eyes gouged out by bird talons....

I'm going have start carrying that corn!

Happy Tuesday!

ltrskr 76M

10/7/2021 3:10 am

Did u ever see the WKRP show about the flying turkeys........
Its on YouTube, laugh until u cry......

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 4:40 pm

    Quoting citizen4722:
    Why did the turkey cross the road......
it was probably chasing me....

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
10/6/2021 1:15 pm

Why did the turkey cross the road......

G000dbuddy 36M
1676 posts
10/6/2021 6:18 am


secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 6:05 am

    Quoting 69ereatwetpussy:
    They where thinking the same thing.
    Walking stick can help out for your own piece of mind
    All my years out in the woods hunting I never been attacted by a wild turkey. Friend did but that was at a house where they where eating nthe old lady chicken feed. Still wild yet not afraid of people.
I've never really seen them this close up before. Usually I'm in a car speeding past, or they are in a field some distance away. This is new.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 6:04 am

    Quoting spunkycumfun:
    I've not come across wild turkeys, only roast turkeys! I don't hnow whether they can be aggressive like geese and swans.
I think most of the wild turkeys around here are waiting to be fed, actually. A lot of people will feed the deer and other animals, including turkeys, so I think while they may be in search of natural food, when they see people, they also think they will be fed.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 6:01 am

    Quoting ltrskr:
    There was old TV drama: Richman Poorman,
    When little brother, Peter Strauss, got beat up by the bad guy, Falcon Eddie, William Smith, big brother, Nick Nolte, would,
    "Put on a leather jacket and a pack of smokes rolled up in the sleeve of his t-shirt."
    and wup up on Falcon Eddie!
    Woke up some brain cells on that one......
    Best photo I could find...
I'm going to have to see if I can stream that somewhere! I want to watch it!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 5:09 am

    Quoting lindoboy100:
    I reckon those feathered freaks are more likely to be 10 times more afraid of you than you are of them McLade........though I understand that pecked human eyes are quite the tasty treat in the bird world!!
They certainly don't seem all that afraid of me! LOL They definitely think they rule the land.

69ereatwetpussy 62M
6774 posts
10/6/2021 3:50 am

They where thinking the same thing.
Walking stick can help out for your own piece of mind
All my years out in the woods hunting I never been attacted by a wild turkey. Friend did but that was at a house where they where eating nthe old lady chicken feed. Still wild yet not afraid of people.

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
10/6/2021 3:22 am

I've not come across wild turkeys, only roast turkeys! I don't hnow whether they can be aggressive like geese and swans.

ltrskr 76M

10/6/2021 3:14 am

There was old TV drama: Richman Poorman,
When little brother, Peter Strauss, got beat up by the bad guy, Falcon Eddie, William Smith, big brother, Nick Nolte, would,
"Put on a leather jacket and a pack of smokes rolled up in the sleeve of his t-shirt."
and wup up on Falcon Eddie!
Woke up some brain cells on that one......
Best photo I could find...

lindoboy100 61M  
23969 posts
10/6/2021 2:42 am

I reckon those feathered freaks are more likely to be 10 times more afraid of you than you are of them McLade........though I understand that pecked human eyes are quite the tasty treat in the bird world!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 1:22 am

    Quoting jolielaide:
    i was on my way to work yesterday and saw a deer carcass at the side of the road (poor thing). and today on the way to work there were five, 5 turkey vultures surrounding the same carcass. i was totally disgusted! man, those things are ugly up close.

    any person who saw the movie THE BIRDS knows the fear is real.
I've seen the movie The Birds.... Maybe that's where my fear is from? Hmmmm.....

jolielaide 53F  
1754 posts
10/6/2021 1:16 am

i was on my way to work yesterday and saw a deer carcass at the side of the road (poor thing). and today on the way to work there were five, 5 turkey vultures surrounding the same carcass. i was totally disgusted! man, those things are ugly up close.

any person who saw the movie THE BIRDS knows the fear is real.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 12:57 am

    Quoting boobwhisperer69:
    Just carry a box of Stove Top Stuffing!!! They'll get the hint!!!
I'm actually going to start carrying some corn. I bought some for the Turkey Trot, but it's darker now when I head to work so I'm not seeing them anymore. I guess they just changed location?? LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 12:55 am

    Quoting pagancountrygirl:
    You may want to invest in a stun gun as well. They're small so easy to carry and if you're mobbed by turkeys, you don't actually have to stun them, just do a quick "zap" and the sound will likely startle them into moving away. Or wait for them to get close, zap one and take it home for dinner. lol
A stun gun to zap the turkeys.... Ha ha ha ha ha That made me laugh. You know you're in the country when you need to carry weaponry to fend off the wildlife.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 12:52 am

    Quoting MrRareity:
    It might be easier said than done but what about carrying a gun next time. You know Thanksgiving is coming up soon.
I don't think I'd be able to pull off a casual stroll with a shotgun.... Walking shoes, yoga pants, water bottle, shotgun? LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 12:49 am

    Quoting allgud69xxx:
    I thought you were a wild-turkey girl, I just thought it was the other kind of Wild Turkey.

    It’s either carry corn or a shotgun on your walking adventures? Or, maybe just the sound of a shotgun, on your phone? Your choice, obviously …
It's very apparent the wildlife around here is not afraid of humans at all. I see deer every night while I'm walking. I was a little disappointed last night when I only saw the 1 deer eating in the field next to my house. There had always been two....

allgud69xxx 51M
502 posts
10/5/2021 10:56 pm

I thought you were a wild-turkey girl, I just thought it was the other kind of Wild Turkey.

It’s either carry corn or a shotgun on your walking adventures? Or, maybe just the sound of a shotgun, on your phone? Your choice, obviously …

-- allgud69xxx

Yeah ... that's right ... I went there ..
Wanna msg, but can't - my Postbox blog Another way to say hi my Postbox

MrRareity 64M  
4589 posts
10/5/2021 10:45 pm

It might be easier said than done but what about carrying a gun next time. You know Thanksgiving is coming up soon.

We have two lives, and the second begins when we realise we have only one - Confucious

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
10/5/2021 10:08 pm

You may want to invest in a stun gun as well. They're small so easy to carry and if you're mobbed by turkeys, you don't actually have to stun them, just do a quick "zap" and the sound will likely startle them into moving away. Or wait for them to get close, zap one and take it home for dinner. lol

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

boobwhisperer69 61M  
8322 posts
10/5/2021 9:50 pm

Just carry a box of Stove Top Stuffing!!! They'll get the hint!!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/5/2021 4:59 pm

The Spawn and I were headed back to the house after our walk last night when....

From the corner of my eye....

I spied a little brown blob moving through the bushes.

Turning to see what exactly it was that I was seeing, I soon discovered it was a BUNCH of little brown blobs moving through the bushes.

"What the hell??"

In a flash, three wild turkeys had popped out of their hiding spots and were staring us down in the middle of the road.

Eye to Eye

"They look kind of menacing Mom."

I was waiting for the boxing gloves to come out and the announcer to begin speaking.....

'And in this corner we have Secret_lade! She hails from the small town of Bellaire and has an irrational fear of getting her eyes gouged out by large birds with talons.'

"I think that one's giving me the side-eye. The only thing missing is a leather jacket and a pack of smokes rolled up in the sleeve of his t-shirt."

We stood there for a long moment, eyeballing each other in the setting sun, when suddenly they turned and stumbled away.

Thank God.

I really do have an irrational fear of getting my eyes gouged out by bird talons....

I'm going to have to start carrying that corn!

Happy Tuesday!

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