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A gym nemesis?  

secret_lade 50F
14419 posts
3/11/2021 3:55 am
A gym nemesis?

Last night at the gym....

This time around, I've decided to start heading to the gym a lil later in the evening so I can completely avoid Gym Stalker Guy.

I already feel insecure enough going to the gym, why add the added element of an ex one-night-stand to the environment??

No, i don't feel your eyes boring into me from behind... Absolutely not. Yah, that's not my Spawn pointing you out and loudly exclaiming "He's staring at you again."

That doesn't make me uncomfortable at all!

What that did, though, was open me up to a new pain in the ass...

Sweaty Armpit Gym Guy

I'd felt bed for him the first time I encountered him. As you may recall, the Spawn had made me angry about a comment she made while faceTiming.... I'm not feeling nearly so bad now.

Sweaty Armpit Gym Guy has been at the gym ever single time I've gone.

Every single time I've gone, he has not only commandeered the treadmill he is exercising on, but the treadmill next to him for his sweaty gym rags and water and the exercise equipment on the other side of him for his personal belongings and shoes.

That's three pieces of equipment.

Even better....

Tonight he wasn't even exercising when I got there. All his crap was laid out, machines unable to be used, and he was merely standing there shooting the shit with another old, large man.

Forty five minutes of shooting the shit.

I was thirty minutes into my treadmill when he says to me....

"Are you watching the tv?"

Um... Yah.

I know you see my eyes glued to the tv while I'm trying to read the closed caption wording on the bottom of the screen,

"Yes, I am watching that home improvement show."

"Oh. I was going to flip it."

"I am watching the home improvement show. I think you'll be fine with having only two tv's to watch tonight."

That is correct! There are three tv's on the wall in front of the bikes and treadmills and he takes over all three every single day.

Today, I'd had enough.

He's smiley enough when he asks, and has a somewhat friendly personality, but I have a feeling it's all fake.

This guy is selfish and expects to get his way.

I smiled sweetly back at him and averted my eyes back up to the tv. I can also be smiley and friendly and expect to get my way.

Happy Thursday!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
3/13/2021 12:25 pm

    Quoting lindoboy100:
    Goodness, I've not been in my gym for a year now! Never a good thing when you get to my age!

    The gym I used t go to had a few of those guys too, always using up more space than they need and stopping to talk to each other and admire each other's muscles. I ended up moving gyms because they never cleaned up after themselves and there was rarely any staff to tidy up for them. The guys were always a bit leery too......

    My new gym is much smaller and the staff know most members by name, and most members are quite conscientious, so it's all good. Well, it was.....who knows how it will be when it re-opens.
I'm certain it will be very much the same. My gym is a 24 hour gym, but it seems like the same people frequent at the same time so you get the feeling of regulars. The majority of the people I see are thoughtful of others and very conscientious of cleanliness. There's always that one rotten apple in the bunch, though.

lindoboy100 61M  
23969 posts
3/12/2021 5:58 am

Goodness, I've not been in my gym for a year now! Never a good thing when you get to my age!

The gym I used t go to had a few of those guys too, always using up more space than they need and stopping to talk to each other and admire each other's muscles. I ended up moving gyms because they never cleaned up after themselves and there was rarely any staff to tidy up for them. The guys were always a bit leery too......

My new gym is much smaller and the staff know most members by name, and most members are quite conscientious, so it's all good. Well, it was.....who knows how it will be when it re-opens.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
3/11/2021 5:12 pm

    Quoting Paulxx001:
    You're such a kind and gentle person.🌹❗
    I guess for guys, it's different. I recall staring at the dork and asking "Are you working out on all 3 machines?"
    The fucktard moved in a hurry. Then again, I was buffed and pressing 200 pounds.
    Uhh... testosterone. Whatcha gonna do? 🤔
I just don't really like confrontation. I'm tough when I need to be and I can hold my own in an argument, but I don't go looking for it if I don't have to. I get even in my own way... Tonight I purposes used his treadmill. He had to sit all of his shit on the floor in front of him. LOL

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
3/11/2021 4:39 pm

You're such a kind and gentle person.🌹❗
I guess for guys, it's different. I recall staring at the dork and asking "Are you working out on all 3 machines?"
The fucktard moved in a hurry. Then again, I was buffed and pressing 200 pounds.
Uhh... testosterone. Whatcha gonna do? 🤔

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
3/11/2021 4:18 pm

    Quoting mc_justmc:
    I hope he's wiping all 3 machines down when he's done!!
He is not! He usually just picks his crap up off the one machine and walks away. He does wipe down the one he uses and the one he collects his sweat rags on.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
3/11/2021 4:17 pm

    Quoting  :

Nope, it's a 24 hour gym but the employees are only there during the day. I thought about sending the owner an email, but I don't want to stir things up.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
3/11/2021 4:15 pm

    Quoting citizen4722:
    So it's not just his smelly arms that's the pits
Nope, not just the smelly arm pits. Yikes!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
3/11/2021 4:14 pm

I beat him to the gym tonight.... And purposely used the treadmill he usually uses. LOL

boobwhisperer69 61M  
8322 posts
3/11/2021 9:54 am

Go get em!!!!!!

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
3/11/2021 9:09 am

So it's not just his smelly arms that's the pits

mc_justmc 64M

3/11/2021 4:14 am

I hope he's wiping all 3 machines down when he's done!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
3/11/2021 3:55 am

Last night at the gym....

This time around, I've decided to start heading to the gym a lil later in the evening so I can completely avoid Gym Stalker Guy.

I already feel insecure enough going to the gym, why add the added element of an ex one-night-stand to the environment??

No, i don't feel your eyes boring into me from behind... Absolutely not. Yah, that's not my Spawn pointing you out and loudly exclaiming "He's staring at you again."

That doesn't make me uncomfortable at all!

What that did, though, was open me up to a new pain in the ass...

Sweaty Armpit Gym Guy

I'd felt bed for him the first time I encountered him. As you may recall, the Spawn had made me angry about a comment she made while faceTiming.... I'm not feeling nearly so bad now.

Sweaty Armpit Gym Guy has been at the gym ever single time I've gone.

Every single time I've gone, he has not only commandeered the treadmill he is exercising on, but the treadmill next to him for his sweaty gym rags and water and the exercise equipment on the other side of him for his personal belongings and shoes.

That's three pieces of equipment.

Even better....

Tonight he wasn't even exercising when I got there. All his crap was laid out, machines unable to be used, and he was merely standing there shooting the shit with another old, large man.

Forty five minutes of shooting the shit.

I was thirty minutes into my treadmill when he says to me....

"Are you watching the tv?"

Um... Yah.

I know you see my eyes glued to the tv while I'm trying to read the closed caption wording on the bottom of the screen,

"Yes, I am watching that home improvement show."

"Oh. I was going to flip it."

"I am watching the home improvement show. I think you'll be fine with having only two tv's to watch tonight."

That is correct! There are three tv's on the wall in front of the bikes and treadmills and he takes over all three every single day.

Today, I'd had enough.

He's smiley enough when he asks, and has a somewhat friendly personality, but I have a feeling it's all fake.

This guy is selfish and expects to get his way.

I smiled sweetly back at him and averted my eyes back up to the tv. I can also be smiley and friendly and expect to get my way.

Happy Thursday!

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