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Monday 10/26 The Lowly Condom  

rm_smile_iam 72M
303 posts
10/26/2009 6:27 pm

Last Read:
10/27/2009 8:05 pm

Monday 10/26 The Lowly Condom

I was messing around in blog land today and found a poem about condoms. I wish I could find it again....OOPS!

Per Wikipedia:

A condom (pronounced /?k?nd?m/ (US) or /?k?nd?m/ (UK)) is a barrier device most commonly used during sexual intercourse to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy and spreading sexually transmitted diseases (STDs?such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV). It is put on a man's erect penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner. Because condoms are waterproof, elastic, and durable, they are also used in a variety of secondary applications. These include collection of semen for use in infertility treatment as well as non-sexual uses such as creating<b> waterproof </font></b>microphones and protecting rifle barrels from clogging.

Now the poor condom has enough trouble getting respect without being described so blandly as above. I googled "condom poems" and found very little and the ones I did find were not funny. What's up with this? They are just right to make fun of, all ways in need and a dry personality even if lubricated.

"Over the years, condoms have been known by a host of different names. Some of them are inventively descriptive, while others sound strangely cryptic to the ears of modern readers. The following is just a sample, and is assumed by this writer to be far from complete:

Bob - (why Bob?)//Cock Sock//Condominium//Condomus Maximus//Dick-Sock//Dinger//Dobber//Franger//French Letter//Gentleman's Jerkin//The Goalie//Hats//Hazmat Suit//Jimmie Hatz//Jimmy//Jimmy Hat//Johnnies//Johnny Bag//Love Glove//Love Sock//Mr. Prevention//Nodding Sock//Poshie//Prophelactic//Raincoat//Robber//Robber Johnnies//Rubber//Rubber Magic//Rubber Straitjacket//Rubberz//Salami Sling//Sex Shark Warmer//Sheaths//Snake Charmer//The Tour Guide//Willie Hat//Willie Warmer

And we have history's favorite rake, Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, to thank for "English Riding Coat."
Condom users in other lands have their own names:

Denmark - Gummimand­, for "Rubberman,"

Hungary - Ovsver, for "Safety Tool,"

Hong King - Pei Dang Vi, for "Bulletproof Vest,"

Portugal - Camisa De Venus, for "Venus Shirt,"

Nigeria - Okpuamu, for "Penis Hat,"

Indonesia - Koteca, for "Penis Gourd," and

Spain - globo, for "Balloon."

In England, French Letters will protect you against the French Disease, while a French man might choose to protect himself from La Maladie Anglaise (the English disease), or (the Italian or Neopolitan disease). A Francophobic German might choose to wear a Pariser (Parisian).

Many Arabs attribute the scourge of syphilis to the English (the English disease), while the Russians blame the Poles (the Polish disease). "
(from Mike Daisy - Featured Blogger - AmericanInventorSpot-com

Lets just say that a condom is a man's second best friend.

Any ladies want to show me how one goes on???

As always polite comment, rants and musings are appreciated....all others take a hike


gardengoddess 62F  
389 posts
10/26/2009 6:46 pm

Ya little stinker!

rm_smile_iam replies on 10/26/2009 7:20 pm:
Always and to make a lady laugh means I've done my job.....

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