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Funny musings on hygiene ads...  

redmustang91 64M
7790 posts
10/28/2006 4:55 am

Last Read:
9/7/2007 7:49 am

Funny musings on hygiene ads...

Why do the instructions on bottles of deodorant say "Rub onto underarms"? Where else are you going to put it? In your hair? (Contributed by Don F.)

Why do hair shampoo instructions say "Lather. Rinse. Repeat"? If you did this would you ever be able to stop? (Contributed by Don F.)

The mouth wash commercial asks "Is your mouth a steamy 98.6 degrees?" Which part of your body isn't 98.6 degrees? (Contributed by Don F.)

On some bottles of suntanning lotion why do they show the sun wearing sun glasses? (Contributed by Alex Petty)

Do the "breath saver" mints advertised on TV actually save bad breath? If so where is it kept? (Contributed by Tooner)

On TV the commercial says that 8 out of 10 people suffer from Hemmoroids. Does this mean the other 2 people enjoy them? (Contributed by Ted)

What does the Q in Q-tip stand for? (Contributed by Brianna)

When shampoo makers advertise that their products give you 'healthier-looking' hair does it mean that your hair isn't really healthier it just looks like it is? (Contributed by Bill Edwards)

In the Kleenex commercial they say 'Because Kleenex Cares'. Just what is it that they care about? Surely they don't care that you're sick do they? (Contributed by jah)

Who were the beta testers for Preparations A through G? (Contributed by Terry Galan)

What ever happened to the Flowbie? (Contributed by Ralphie)

The Lever commercial says their soap will clean all your 2000 body parts. Has anybody counted to make sure all our parts are accounted for? (Contributed by The Vent on

What's with the Mach 3 razor commercials? What kind of selling feature is it for the razor to be more aerodynamic? Does anybody actually shave that fast? (Contributed by The Vent on

When cosmetic products state on the label that their product is not tested on animals, does it mean that it has not been tested at all? And does it mean that the consumers are the 'Guinea Pigs'? Or does it mean that they tested it on a select group of animal rights activists who chose to substitute for the animals? (Contributed by Raneboux)

How can any deodorant have a scent of its own? If it really worked, wouldn't it wipe itself out? (Contributed by Marilyn Vos Savant)

If the shampoo bottle reads 'Avoid Contact With Your Eyes', do you have to keep your eyes shut while reaching for the bottle? (Contributed by Dale and Judie J.)

Which marketing genius at Trident thought that the Latin word for 'three teeth' would be a good name for a sugarless gum? (Contributed by Robert Philp)

Why do those people, in the TV commercials, with bladder control problems, always sit in the middle of the row? (Contributed by The Vent on

Aren't you glad that Norelco invented the Lift & Cut system? Otherwise, the Yank & Pull system would have been downright painful, wouldn't it? (Contributed by David Gunter)

Whatever happened to Absorbine Senior? (Contributed by Nancy Carson)

Dove soap claims to be 99.9 percent pure - but pure what? I've never heard them say, have you? (Contributed by Chris P.)

How long do you have to stay in the shower before the<b> waterproof </font></b>suntan lotion will come off? (Contributed by The Vent on

Was wax paper originally designed to be<b> waterproof </font></b>Kleenex? (Contributed by The Duke of Endor)

Why do some bottles of shampoo advertise 'Essential Fatty Acids'? Since when are 'fatty acids' essential? (Contributed by Valerie)

Have you ever stopped to think that our streets aren't safe, our rivers aren't safe, and our air isn't safe, but under our arms, we have complete protection? (Contributed by The Vent on

Why is shampoo clear but conditioner not? (Contributed by C.T.)

How can one sheet of toilet paper be double quilted if there is only one layer? (Contributed by Lee)

If you mixed up the toothpaste and Preparation H, would your butt get whiter while your gums receded? (Contributed by Randy)

Has anyone ever been able to curl up the toothpaste on their toothbrush as perfectly as in the commercials? (Contributed by The Vent on

Why does the tampax commercial say "So discrete only you'll know it's a tampon"? Millions of people have seen the commercial, which means millions of people are gonna know it's a tampon, right? (Contributed by Meranda Watling)

ce_64667 60F

10/28/2006 2:26 pm

Thanks for the chuckles...those are pretty good!!

"All you'll get from strangers is surface pleasantry or indifference. Only someone who loves you will criticize you." - Judith Crist, crack film critic

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