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Resisting Temptation (Let It Go)
Resisting Temptation (Let It Go) This post is only viewable by AdultFriendFinder members. Join AdultFriendFinder now! |
oh dear I hate that feeling let it go.......I've done it. but I always spend the same fret time afterwards maybe because of that saying......all it takes for evil to gain ground is for a good man to do nothing. yanno? and's like talking to response AND it stinks too. You cannot conceive the many without the one.
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I am intensely private about my political choosing. I rarely enter a debate. One thing I have not been able to keep quiet about is the war on women. I have three daughters. I want them to have the freedom to govern their own bodies. That said, it is hard to avoid. I just keep reminding myself, my voice is drown out by the loud and obnoxious.
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I know. After a while it's a faded memory. And that's a good thing.
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oh dear I hate that feeling let it go.......I've done it. but I always spend the same fret time afterwards maybe because of that saying......all it takes for evil to gain ground is for a good man to do nothing. yanno? and's like talking to response AND it stinks too.
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I am intensely private about my political choosing. I rarely enter a debate. One thing I have not been able to keep quiet about is the war on women. I have three daughters. I want them to have the freedom to govern their own bodies. That said, it is hard to avoid. I just keep reminding myself, my voice is drown out by the loud and obnoxious.
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What shocks me about a great deal of the inanity that pops up is that the folks posting them aren't anonymous, I know them, I know who they are. Some of them I see on a regular basis, yet they continue to wallow in their own purposeful ignorance. They despise the "lamestream media" yet swallow the blatantly biased right wing garbage spewed by Fox News or Trump as "Telling it Like it Is". They display an open contempt for any sort of formal education and dismiss anything that contradicts what they believe as liberal propaganda. In their minds there can be no compromise. Guns, for example, any sort of common sense law to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them is an attempt by "gun grabbers" to violate their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. And even on those rarest of rare occasions when one of them gets the idea that maybe there may be something to keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, the other 2nd Amendment fanatics quickly get them in line. One fellow posted a positive comment about one of Obama's more recent attempts at closing some gun law loopholes. His post didn't last long before his buddies got him to take it down. There can be no break in the ranks, even when it makes sense. And you're right, Trump is playing them. He's setting the tone and wrapping himself in the flag while doing it. One thing that I noticed when Trump announced he was running for the presidency is that the backdrop was all American flags, there was no visible wall behind him. Now, it looks as if that's the standard. It used to be one or two was enough to prove your patriotism, now, it seems like we need more. The Chinese companies that make American flags must be loving that.
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I'm sure I did the right thing, it just drives me crazy, either way.
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