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winter sex  

married_seeker 46M
22 posts
11/23/2009 6:40 pm
winter sex

1. Stoke the fire

If you have a fire, demonstrate your masculinity and stoke it up in preparation for a night of heated passion! The romantic mood will be set with the crackling wood and warmth of the flames; the cold weather outside will be forgotten and, with any luck, she will melt into your arms.

If you don’t have a fire then set the mood with plenty of tealights or candles, although they won’t generate the heat, they will create the impression of a warm and cosy atmosphere.

2. A heated massage

If you want to instantly loosen your lady up this winter then offer her a massage with a difference. Place an unopened bottle of massage oil in a bowl of hot water for three to five minutes and then, after testing the temperature on the inside of your arm, pour it straight onto her back and bottom, watch her writhe with pleasure as you rub the warm liquid over her body.

3. Candle play

For the more adventurous couples, candle-play can be a mid-winter treat. Dripping hot wax onto your partner’s skin will sensitise it so your touch will feel twice as nice. Use Japanese Dripping Candles and make sure you drop small amounts of molten wax from a height of at least 18 inches so it has time to cool before reaching the skin.

4. Warming lube

Once the clothes are off, use a warming lubricant to keep the goose bumps away! On contact with the skin these lubricants create a warming sensation that heightens sensitivity, turning your touch into a much more stimulating experience! A trick is to blow on the skin where it has been applied to make the heated feeling even more intense.

5. Wet n’ wild

The bath is a great place for a little winter loving, the water will warm you up and there are plenty of fun, sexy things to do while you are in the tub. For example, you could play with toys ‒ and I don’t mean a rubber ducks! You can get<b> waterproof </font></b>vibrators in all different shapes and sizes so there is no excuse for bath time boredom!

Alternatively you could give your partner and arousing head massage - slide in the bath behind her, use hair conditioner to lather up her scalp and then spend 10 minutes or so massaging her head with both firm circular strokes and light scratches. When she's ‘warmed up’, feel free to move your hands further south.

The only problem bath time fun is that water washes away the body’s natural lubricants. So to stay slippery when wet use a silicone based lubricant.

6. Sexercise

One of the best ways to say warm is to get active, so instead of sticking to low energy sex positions, heat things up by trying out positions that work out your muscles. Kneeling positions are good for keeping both of you active, for example, try kneeling behind your partner and lean back slightly, have your partner kneel in front of you with her back to you. Her legs should go between yours, squeeze you bodies together tightly and wrap your arms around her waist. Once you are inside of her she can then move up and down or you can move your hips in tandem. Stop for breaks when you get to hot or tired.

So there you have it ‒ six ways to help you and your lover keep the heat turned up and beat the winter blues!

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