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The Past as Prologue:  

kzoopair 73M/71F
8625 posts
2/9/2017 7:16 pm
The Past as Prologue:

I determined not to read any critiques or analyses of Cormac McCarthy’s “Blood Meridian” until I had read the book and formed my own opinion. I didn’t want to know what everyone else was saying. I couldn’t escape reading some of the accolades the book had drawn or the high praise from dozens of literary lights or the faint praise with which it was damned by far fewer critics. But I held to my purpose and read it through in two long sittings while sequestering myself offline and out of any library.

“Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West” is an historical novel whose protagonist is the , deprived in the violence of his birth of his mother and with a predilection for murder and mayhem thereafter. Running away from Tennessee while young he barely sustained life at all until finding himself in south Texas and for lack of any other direction in his life joining up with Captain White, a sympathizer of the Knights of the Golden Circle who is determined to annex huge swaths of Mexico to the United States by the extralegal means of invasion and seizure, following the example of the United States government in the recently concluded Mexican American War. Ending badly with Captain White’s decapitated head in a clay jar and the in a Mexican jail, the elects to join the Glanton Gang for the simple reason that they can spring him from his cell.

The Glanton Gang has contracted with the governor of Chihuahua to eradicate Apaches from northern Mexico. The withdrawal of United States troops from Chihuahua has left a vacuum of law enforcement in the state and John Joel Glanton has agreed to deliver the scalps of Apaches to the governor for bounty. Glanton’s gang immediately exceeded the requirements of said contract and murdered and scalped virtually every human being in sight forthwith. They raided Chiricauha settlements and Chihuahuan pueblos along with those of peaceful Indians and American pilgrims for the west and the soldiers of both nations. The violence is spontaneous and compulsive, though never exactly casual. Glanton’s men slaughter mechanically, offhandedly and seemingly thoughtlessly but never quite purposelessly. Theses are men who will kill another man not simply for his boots, a real prize, but for a necklace of severed ears or a halfhearted insult.

The violence and degradation of “Blood Meridan” is relentless. It begins on the first page and continues with scant letup til the end. Critics and reviewers have stated that it took them several tries to read the thing, and others have claimed that the unremitting cruelty and blood letting becomes almost boring. But McCarthy’s prose is masterful and archaic, at times nearly Biblical. His descriptions of the northern Mexican landscape are elegiac and alternately a brooding dirge and a soaring hymn like the land itself. McCarthy’s scholarship is impressive. Every incident related is based in historical research.

A central character is the Judge, an immense bald giant of a man and learned nearly beyond belief. He is the philosopher of the tale and is set in opposition to the , himself a man of spare speech. The judge- and most of the book’s critics- see the duality of man, good versus evil, but the Judge preaches that war is the only holy thing about man, and presaging a theme in later novels by McCarthy, that murder is not only sacred but inevitable. The , in response, replies “You ain’t nothin’.”

“Blood Meridian” describes the condition of man. Such times have passed before. The end of the Alexandrian Empire saw brigand armies of Greeks willing to hire out as mercenaries in the Middle East or rob and pillage where they weren’t paid tribute. The returning crusaders freebooted through France for a hundred years, imposing a deeper dark age on that pre renaissance collection of kingdoms and duchies. In the years leading up to the American Civil War, during the war, and in the south and west following it lawlessness often reigned and the novel can be seen in that context. The South, whose goals were articulated by the Knights of the Golden Circle, wanted to extend their slave empire around the Caribbean Sea, and that could not be the avowed goal of the Federal government without upsetting the balance of power. So men like William Walker and John Joel Glanton stepped in where Aaron Burr and James Wilkinson had trod before, would be conquistadors.

Such times have passed before, and will again. We may be witnessing the eve of such events now, if we aren’t very careful.

Although styled an historical novel I think “Blood Meridian" is past, present and future. William Faulkner: “The past isn’t dead. It isn’t even past.” “Blood Meridian” describes the condition of man. The idea of the duality of man is an attractive construct, but you have to be careful that you can still see the forest for the trees. All of us have a capacity for good or ill. And we fall everywhere in-between. The Judge would have the believe that his choices are already made and we’re left thinking that maybe McCarthy agrees, but the time and again chooses mercy. The judge would see weakness there, but I know in the end that the has no regrets regardless of the outcome.

This is a chronicle of desperadoes. Think on that a minute. Desperate men. The rope of their lives has run out and murder is their only response. But life is not neat and categorized- it’s chaotic and confusing like the world they live in. Violence is done by desperate men and also by ambitious men like John Joel Glanton, and as well by authoritarians from George Washington to Antonio López de Santa Anna. The easy way out is despair, to succumb to the<b> temptation </font></b>that we’re doomed to repeat the cycle, or to deny the rage in our own hearts in the hope that will save us. But like the , we have a choice.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/9/2017 7:16 pm

Yep. It's a book review.

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nicelipss66 48F
24236 posts
2/9/2017 7:43 pm

Hi Kzoo, will read it

tickles4us 62M
7262 posts
2/9/2017 7:47 pm

Sounds like an interesting book.

Hopefully society doesn't get degraded to that point around here again.

Vive La Difference

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/9/2017 7:56 pm

I hope you will, sweetheart.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/9/2017 8:02 pm

    Quoting tickles4us:
    Sounds like an interesting book.

    Hopefully society doesn't get degraded to that point around here again.
In some places it already is degraded. Had you lived in Connecticut in 1849 you'd have seen none of this, and indeed your state would have spoken loud and long against that kind of adventurism. Abe Lincoln of Illinois did! But as you and I know, the South is a whole 'nother animal. And there are pockets of wannabe desperadoes the nation over. This is what worries me- the real and the wannabe desperadoes.

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gardenboy321 61M  
41936 posts
2/9/2017 8:29 pm

McCarthy is one of my favorite writers. I've only read No Country for Old Men, All the Pretty Horses, and The Road. He is a painter of words.

Thoughts from the Garden...

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/9/2017 8:44 pm

    Quoting gardenboy321:
    McCarthy is one of my favorite writers. I've only read No Country for Old Men, All the Pretty Horses, and The Road. He is a painter of words.
I agree. I came late to reading him, and I began with "No Country For Old Men". I found it masterful. The prose is spare and unembellished and it flows seemingly effortlessly. "Blood Meridian" is a bit of departure in that regard- he gives full rein to an impressive vocabulary and a scholar's eye and ear for the time and place. I think it's easily one of the best novels of the last hundred years. Huckleberry Finn as seen by Sam Peckinpah. But that don't do it justice- it's McCarthy.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/9/2017 8:57 pm

    Quoting  :

I say this gently....hah! You don't expect the man to play his whole hand in one novel, do you? I tend to agree with you that he seems fixated on the evil that resides in the hearts of men....and that's why my review reads as it does. But I don't think he completely disagrees with me. We have different angles.

I hope you aren't thinking of all violence as base. McCarthy often portrays it so. Some things are worth fighting for, and worth spilling blood. It's a matter of judgment and wisdom- not so easy to come by, and we're all just winging it. I reckon it's a function of our upbringing. I come from a line of Quakers on the one side and felons on the other, so I got perspective if nothing else.

This book is philosophy for sure, but it's literature more than anything else, and It's rattling good reading. Although I think in the end I differ slightly with his conclusions, I do think the man is a master storyteller who can weave words as artfully as anyone I've ever read. "It ain't so much what he said, but how he said it."

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/9/2017 9:43 pm

    Quoting  :

Yes- I got that!

If his point of view were entirely repugnant to me, I'd be inclined to agree with you. But as you can see, I have some sympathy for his perspective. Mind you, he's a southern writer, consciously and deliberately, and he loses points on that score, believe me. But I see in him a nod to some higher aspirations among men as well- out of all of this, the kid is a protagonist we can find some solace in. We all have to keep a little light going in our hearts, like in the dream that Bell has at the end of "No Country".

But you and I are on the same page, so let's not quarrel. We see this thing alike.

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Furbal1972 52M
18571 posts
2/9/2017 10:52 pm

Sounds like a good book. .. It has been a while since I have sequestered myself with the intent of reading.

I am starting to think that even knowing history won't keep us from repeating it.

Read my diary Journal of a Taxi Driver for taxi stories and pictures of flowers and trees.

Annie_34 65T
5945 posts
2/9/2017 11:29 pm

Bonjour Kzoopair
Je ne connais pas ce livre.
Mais il me rappele étrangement " La croisade des albigeois" Où tout les ribauds de l'Europe pouvaient venir massacrer les Occitans avec la bénédiction du pape
♥ Poton ♥ Bisou ♥ Annie ♥

Hello Kzoopair
I do not know this book.
But he reminded me strangely of "The Albigensian Crusade" where all the hoodlum debauched Europeans could come to massacre the Occitans with the blessing of the Pope
♥ Kiss ♥ Annie ♥

Notre vie est un voyage-♦-Dans l'hiver et dans la nuit
Nous cherchons notre passage-♦-Dans le ciel où rien ne luit .

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spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
2/10/2017 4:25 am

I've not come across the book before but after reading your excellent review I'll definitely look out for it now!

brandygirasol 55T
673 posts
2/10/2017 6:08 am

Appreciate This Excellant Review Of A Grim Haunting Western Novel

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/10/2017 6:45 am

    Quoting Furbal1972:
    Sounds like a good book. .. It has been a while since I have sequestered myself with the intent of reading.

    I am starting to think that even knowing history won't keep us from repeating it.
I think you might be right- in fact I'm pretty sure you are. We've seen over and over again that history tends to repeat itself. And it isn't new, that idea. Past generations have struggled with it too, going back to ancient times.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/10/2017 6:50 am

    Quoting Annie_34:
    Bonjour Kzoopair
    Je ne connais pas ce livre.
    Mais il me rappele étrangement " La croisade des albigeois" Où tout les ribauds de l'Europe pouvaient venir massacrer les Occitans avec la bénédiction du pape
    ♥ Poton ♥ Bisou ♥ Annie ♥

    Hello Kzoopair
    I do not know this book.
    But he reminded me strangely of "The Albigensian Crusade" where all the hoodlum debauched Europeans could come to massacre the Occitans with the blessing of the Pope
    ♥ Kiss ♥ Annie ♥

The crusades was one of the first things that came to mind reading "Blood Meridian". There were plenty of men who believed in the righteousness of their mission and plenty more who didn't give a damn at all- they just liked killing people.

Les croisades ont été l'une des premières choses qui sont venues à l'esprit en lisant "Meridian de sang". Il y avait beaucoup d'hommes qui croyaient en la justice de leur mission et beaucoup plus qui ne s'en foutaient pas du tout - ils aimaient juste tuer des gens.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/10/2017 6:52 am

    Quoting spunkycumfun:
    I've not come across the book before but after reading your excellent review I'll definitely look out for it now!
I think for some McCarthy's an acquired taste but I took to his books like a duck to water- it's history, philosophy, action adventure and beautifully told.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/10/2017 6:53 am

    Quoting brandygirasol:
    Appreciate This Excellant Review Of A Grim Haunting Western Novel
Thank you. Grim and haunting says it very well.

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sweet_VM 66F  
81699 posts
2/10/2017 8:10 am

ok I will put this one down to read on my wish list.. Sounds like a really good book and something I would like as well hugssssss V

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wickedeasy 74F
32404 posts
2/10/2017 10:54 am

thought enjoy is not a word I would use to describe my reading of Mccarthy, I read everything.....and yes they are brilliantly crafted and do not disappoint. the fact that they can make one feel the dichotomy so fiercely speaks to his ability both as a writer and a philosopher. for me, I always leave with a mi of despair and hope.

this in and of itself is remarkable. I have not read it but have it by the bed. I fear it in a way. but now, needs must.

thanks've shaken the tree

You cannot conceive the many without the one.

sexysixties2 106F
39750 posts
2/10/2017 12:25 pm

We always have a choice but adults sometimes spend too much time weighing up the pro and cons,,,,children see straight to the heart of a matter without thought of the consequences.

"Age does not protect you from love, but love, to some extent, protects you from age."

~~Anais Nin~~

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/10/2017 1:34 pm

    Quoting sweet_VM:
    ok I will put this one down to read on my wish list.. Sounds like a really good book and something I would like as well hugssssss V
I don't read a lot of novels anymore., and rarely westerns, although I liked "True Grit" considerably. I hope you enjoy this one, V.

Huggggggs B

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/10/2017 1:38 pm

    Quoting wickedeasy:
    thought enjoy is not a word I would use to describe my reading of Mccarthy, I read everything.....and yes they are brilliantly crafted and do not disappoint. the fact that they can make one feel the dichotomy so fiercely speaks to his ability both as a writer and a philosopher. for me, I always leave with a mi of despair and hope.

    this in and of itself is remarkable. I have not read it but have it by the bed. I fear it in a way. but now, needs must.

    thanks've shaken the tree
I know what you mean- enjoy seems inappropriate to such an unremittingly dour world view. There is stark realism though and he moves a narrative in an engaging way- you want to know what happens right quickly once you've begun. I reckon you'll be moved by "Blood Meridian".

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/10/2017 1:41 pm

    Quoting sexysixties2:
    We always have a choice but adults sometimes spend too much time weighing up the pro and cons,,,,children see straight to the heart of a matter without thought of the consequences.
Ain't that the truth. "Fools rush in....!"

On the other hand, he who hesitates is lost....I can't make up my mind.

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KItkat1415 62F  
20051 posts
2/10/2017 11:27 pm

I am so glad you enjoyed this so much. I am sorry that we won't be discussing this one.
Cormac McCarthy is one author that I am admire his craft of a sentence, the turn of a phrase, they say he paints with words, and yet... I never enjoy his stories.

It's fine that we won't be discussing this. Your admiration for his writing shines through in this review.

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08540Tantrafun 60M  
1072 posts
2/11/2017 8:27 am

Sounds like a moving, well crafted even cathartic book. I have to get it. You may also like Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder. It is one of the most award winning books ever. It is said that history repeats itself. We were so close to Bloodlands2, with our marine strike corps in Norway and Poland ready to go forward. Media gave it minimum coverage here in the U.S. Massive amount of armor moved to the borders of Russia while the election was going on here. Russia in turn moving S400 missile batteries and their latest Sukhoi's and Migs.
Historians will write this past few months as close to bay of pigs. With PM Cameron and Hillary loosing along with presidents of France and Prime Minister of Italy, we may have dodged WW3 and a "New world Order"/chaos. Hopefully Both Russia and Nato will stand down, and we will have twitter wars and name calling instead of lobbing nukes.
The irony is that the crazy's in England with their Brexit and our own MAGA group may have averted a catastrophe of a kind not seen by humanity. So far only neocons in the Administration is Sec Tillerson. Bolton, Abrams and wife of the author of PNAC Asst Sec Victoria Newland (who brought about regime change in Ukraine) is out of the government.
As usuall an awesome post Bill.

"Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.”― Immanuel Kant .

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/11/2017 9:48 am

    Quoting KItkat1415:
    I am so glad you enjoyed this so much. I am sorry that we won't be discussing this one.
    Cormac McCarthy is one author that I am admire his craft of a sentence, the turn of a phrase, they say he paints with words, and yet... I never enjoy his stories.

    It's fine that we won't be discussing this. Your admiration for his writing shines through in this review.
Well, I enjoy his prose. I enjoy the way he spins a yarn. But as Annette pointed out his perspective is pretty bleak. And if you let yourself you could wallow in that same despair as McCarthy- that there's no help for it, we're all doomed by original sin. But I'm not Catholic so I think I have a built in immunity to that particular guilt.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/11/2017 10:01 am

    Quoting oral4ya765:
    Those were unimaginable times, in my humble opinion anyway. I have often asked myself on which side I would have fallen on the topic of native Americans had I been alive at that time. I cannot guess that though with the benefit of historical records I have read, I know where I stand... but at the time I fear I would have felt like most. People were afraid and fear yields irrational behavior. The west seemed to be a cluster fuck of people trying to make a harsh land all neat and tidy like the East... for the most part they failed for decades to do so. There was room for all but greed led to most feeling like every inch of land would be needed as the flow of people never seemed to stop. Ironically a lot of the land fought over sits empty to this very day. The renegades and squatters seemed to threaten the ranchers and a new war erupted... ugh violent times! I am not sure if any lessons were learned during these days, it seems we rationalize their actions as if they were simply misinformed and scared people. They were greedy people for the most part (the cattlemen) who saw the land as something that they owned and could destroy if they chose. No homestead or Indian was going to stand in the way of the mighty dollar so they hired guns to make the problem go away. We are still doing this today, just under a different veil. I must keep myself in check constantly when forming opinions... I do consider the past when forming my opinions. I have caught myself generalizing when speaking about immigration and the issues at hand regarding them. I want to come down on a side of this issue I would be proud of in the future... I don't want to rationalize a poor decision later. We should all try to think that way even though it is difficult. Pardon me if I wandered a little off topic, your blogs always get me thinking 😀 I like that!
I have a dog in this fight. I admire Tecumseh as a great leader but a family among my ancestors were massacred in the early days of Tecumseh's War in Illinois. I can see both sides of that one.

The far west though seemed to be a funnel into a black hole, into which lives were poured in desperation, in a final suicidal roll of the dice. There were early warning signs for Native Americans of what was to come in King Phillip's War. The native population was decimated in that conflict. It hasn't got a lot better since.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/11/2017 10:04 am

    Quoting 08540Tantrafun:
    Sounds like a moving, well crafted even cathartic book. I have to get it. You may also like Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder. It is one of the most award winning books ever. It is said that history repeats itself. We were so close to Bloodlands2, with our marine strike corps in Norway and Poland ready to go forward. Media gave it minimum coverage here in the U.S. Massive amount of armor moved to the borders of Russia while the election was going on here. Russia in turn moving S400 missile batteries and their latest Sukhoi's and Migs.
    Historians will write this past few months as close to bay of pigs. With PM Cameron and Hillary loosing along with presidents of France and Prime Minister of Italy, we may have dodged WW3 and a "New world Order"/chaos. Hopefully Both Russia and Nato will stand down, and we will have twitter wars and name calling instead of lobbing nukes.
    The irony is that the crazy's in England with their Brexit and our own MAGA group may have averted a catastrophe of a kind not seen by humanity. So far only neocons in the Administration is Sec Tillerson. Bolton, Abrams and wife of the author of PNAC Asst Sec Victoria Newland (who brought about regime change in Ukraine) is out of the government.
    As usuall an awesome post Bill.
Thanks, Kama, but I'm not so sure we've dodged anything yet.

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NaughtyInSO 113F
9755 posts
2/11/2017 3:20 pm

We do have choices and it is a comforting thought. It isn't easy to make a choice that is right but we are trying. I detest violence even when it is just. However, there are times when violence is the only answer. I wish we didn't have to choose it but ...

I'm going to look for this book.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/11/2017 5:50 pm

    Quoting NaughtyInSO:
    We do have choices and it is a comforting thought. It isn't easy to make a choice that is right but we are trying. I detest violence even when it is just. However, there are times when violence is the only answer. I wish we didn't have to choose it but ...

    I'm going to look for this book.

I'd prefer a nonviolent resolution myself but power and wealth don't give anything up because we ask politely. You have to get it the same way they did- you take it. And you're right as well that the way isn't always clear. At least during our present conflict there's a clear choice between good and evil.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/12/2017 9:06 pm

    Quoting  :

Thanks for stopping by.

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kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/13/2017 9:51 am

    Quoting  :

No chill- it was simply brief.

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brandygirasol 55T
673 posts
2/13/2017 3:09 pm

If I May Share This Illustration With Your Blog Readers- With Your Permission Of Course!

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/13/2017 8:22 pm

    Quoting brandygirasol:
    If I May Share This Illustration With Your Blog Readers- With Your Permission Of Course!
Of course you can. And thanks.

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missthee 58F  
4511 posts
2/14/2017 6:24 am

People will complain about violence depicted in a novel and yet in film one expects /demands full realism when a fictional or historical battle is portrayed. If I was still in grad school I'd probably write a paper on that dichotomy.
I read McCarthy with the awareness of reading a work of fiction. His writing style more or less demands thar, imho.

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
2/14/2017 9:32 am

I wouldn't care to speculate about that dichotomy. I had an idea myself that I was reading a carefully researched historical novel when I picked up "Blood Meridian" and I knew it was a wild and cruel time and place. I think the overall impression of the novel is an accurate depiction of what that time and place might have been like.

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