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“Inappropriate Temptation” Is The Topic For The Third Virtual Symposium on Nov. 1!
“Inappropriate Temptation” Is The Topic For The Third Virtual Symposium on Nov. 1! There was a healthy amount of support for several potential topics of the third virtual symposium, but “Inappropriate Temptation” garnered the most votes this time ‘round, and is the topic of choice! Rest assured, however, that the other topics will be kept as potential focuses of future symposiums. Here’s how the symposium will work: All eligible and choosing to participate – a field which includes everyone who has a blog – will create something – an essay, an erotic story, a memoir, a series of one-line aphorisms, an image collage, a photo montage, a poem, or anything else – relating to “Inappropriate Temptation”. Want inspiration – or just some good reads? Here’s a link to the participants’ list from the second symposium: Participants List For The Second Virtual Symposium Difficult Decisions Feel free to take the basic idea of inappropriate<b> temptation </font></b>and stretch it to as wild an interpretation as you like -- the post should reflect you! The last thing we need is a dozen monotonous texts on the same topic. Anything goes, as long as there is a trace of the original idea in the post. On the morning of Nov. 1 (a Saturday, for those keeping score), all participants will post their creations. Please, please, post ‘em to your own blogs early: I do want to link to them in a central post here, but I don’t want to be stapled to my desk all day. I'll be responsible for posting links to your blogs here -- I want to make this as effortless for participants as possible! I will, of course, post latecomers… people do check back to see whether new participants have joined the symposium. But after the morning of Nov. 1, I may not be updating the list as obsessively. As for contributions themselves: The idea is to create something new, as opposed to using posts to respond to other posts (although the comments section will, of course, remain fair game). Ping me, and I’ll use a post on this blog that day to link to all contributions. A suggestion: Participants may want to refer to either the virtual symposium or the topic itself in their headline. Not a requirement – there are no requirements, save for originality and participation – but a suggestion which will let the wide blog community know what we’re doing. Oh, and feel free to the symposium as enthusiastically as moves you, whether on your own blogs or to specific individuals. This is not a contest. No souvenir mugs will be sent, nor ribbons awarded. The idea here is for those interested to, on a single day, offer an interpretation of a single topic for the sheer fun of it. By all means, encourage other bloggers to participate – and to let me know they’re doing so, either through this post or via email, so on Nov. 1 I can link to their posts. Remember, of course, to keep things in your voice! Can’t wait to see the results! A final note: We had a VERY close election this time: Three of the topics presented garnered a fair amount of interest. Rest assured that the runners-up will be kept in rotation for the next symposiums! Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic |
I'm used to close elections. I cast my very first vote for George McGovern. Become a member now and get a free tote bag.
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I'm used to close elections. I cast my very first vote for George McGovern. Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Ooh! I already know what to write about. Maybe? um... I can't remember if I wrote about it before. On the other hand Nov. 1st is the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)... I may choose something that works towards my 50,000 word "novel". Should I choose to participate this year.
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Ooh! I already know what to write about. Maybe? um... I can't remember if I wrote about it before. On the other hand Nov. 1st is the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)... I may choose something that works towards my 50,000 word "novel". Should I choose to participate this year. If you do decide to share something that's part of a larger work, by all means let us know... Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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I hope this symposium offers you a sense of peace with honor. Become a member now and get a free tote bag.
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That was Nixon. George just wanted to get the fuck out. Actually, Hunter S. Thompson revived "fear and loathing" for his book on the 1972 election, so perhaps I could have gone with that. Seems a bit cliched, though... Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Y'know, I kinda realized that late last night... All deadlines are tentative! Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Was one of them Esperanto? Personally, I like the challenge of a topic that doesn't necessarily fall in my sweet spot... gives me a chance to stretch myself.. Looking forward to your contribution! Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Excellent I think everyone should be able to come up with some story about this one! Inappropriate Temptation Become a blog watcher sweet_vm
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Excellent I think everyone should be able to come up with some story about this one! Inappropriate Temptation Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Ooh! I already know what to write about. Maybe? um... I can't remember if I wrote about it before. On the other hand Nov. 1st is the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)... I may choose something that works towards my 50,000 word "novel". Should I choose to participate this year. Kk The observant make the best lovers, I may not do right, but I do write, I have bliss, joy, and happiness in my life, Kitkat Come check out my blog KItkat1415 check out this post by me Adventures In Body Grooming #39 April Topic Link: What Lies Beneath If April Showers Oh Bloody Hell What Kind Of Weather Turns Me On Bloggers Symposium 40
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Inappropriate temptations? Hm. That was probably the topic that LEAST spoke to me, which means it will be a good writer's exercise/prompt for me. I'll probably write it earlier in the day and post it at midnight since I am participating in NaNoWriMo and will be doing the midnight write-in to kick it off that night. Writ on, right on! The observant make the best lovers, I may not do right, but I do write, I have bliss, joy, and happiness in my life, Kitkat Come check out my blog KItkat1415 check out this post by me Adventures In Body Grooming #39 April Topic Link: What Lies Beneath If April Showers Oh Bloody Hell What Kind Of Weather Turns Me On Bloggers Symposium 40
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I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year for the 4th time! Hit me up, if you decide to do it and friend me there! I'm participating in the midnight write-in for San diego that night. Kk Best of inspiration to all who are participating! Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Inappropriate temptations? Hm. That was probably the topic that LEAST spoke to me, which means it will be a good writer's exercise/prompt for me. I'll probably write it earlier in the day and post it at midnight since I am participating in NaNoWriMo and will be doing the midnight write-in to kick it off that night. Writ on, right on! I was wondering how the "On bisexuality" suggestion would go over... I would have been very interested how straight/gay participants would have approached it. It certainly isn't something I've written on before... It was one of two topics this go-round (the other being "Erotic travel") which got a healthy amount of support... so look for it to crop up again as potential topics! Even the third-place topics ("The one piece of advice I'd give" and "Erotic travel") will see the backlit light of day again... Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Inappropriate temptations? Hm. That was probably the topic that LEAST spoke to me, which means it will be a good writer's exercise/prompt for me. I'll probably write it earlier in the day and post it at midnight since I am participating in NaNoWriMo and will be doing the midnight write-in to kick it off that night. Writ on, right on!
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Interesting topic choice, but I'm afraid I wrote myself dry on this topic when I was mulling over completely inappropriate attraction to my daughter's (19-years-younger-than-me) tennis coach, lol. Will have to mull it over to see if I can think of anything else on the topic.
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Interesting topic choice, but I'm afraid I wrote myself dry on this topic when I was mulling over completely inappropriate attraction to my daughter's (19-years-younger-than-me) tennis coach, lol. Will have to mull it over to see if I can think of anything else on the topic. Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Great post! Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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Dang... what I should have done was canceled Friday night plans, stayed home and wrote. But... I wanted to attend the kick off party. Which ended up being totally lame. And today... my writing mood just isn't right for writing this topic So I will be participating... just a wee bit after the fact. I'll let you know
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Dang... what I should have done was canceled Friday night plans, stayed home and wrote. But... I wanted to attend the kick off party. Which ended up being totally lame. And today... my writing mood just isn't right for writing this topic So I will be participating... just a wee bit after the fact. I'll let you know Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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I will put up a link on my pimping post! Great topic! Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic
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