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Trading Up  

gottaring 52F  
10199 posts
8/15/2012 7:02 am
Trading Up

Remember how I wrote about buying a new vibe a month or so ago? Yeah. I'm allergic to it (don't ask how I came to realize this).

So it turns out that I need to buy yet ANOTHER toy to tide me over and this time, I went back to the pros at Eden Fantasys. I've purchased stuff from there before and been quite happy with it (until I wore it out from constant use, lol). In fact, the first fleshlight I bought for THAT GUY was purchased from their website as well. To date, I think it's still his favorite .

Going back to the toy shop and purchasing one in person as I did last time might seem like the easier solution, but here's the thing: the advanced search functions on the website make it so much easier to narrow down my selection. Hypo-allergenic, waterproof, a safety rating of 8+ (which denotes how good it is at not retaining bacteria), a vibration rating of 4 (out of five- I'm not mixing paint ya know), multi-speed with easy to use controls, and I do pay close attention to the user ratings.

This time I decided to invest in a Lelo- it has all the requirements I listed above and, while it does cost a bit more, the hundreds of detailed user ratings assure me that it'll be well worth the cost. As it turns out, I'm also getting a free vibrating cock ring as a gift with purchase. Not sure exactly who i'll give it to, though. . This probably sounds like a pitch to visit the website, but hey- when you find something that works, you get excited, right?

So do you folks prefer to buy in person or over the web? Do you see a benefit in one method over the other? Anyone have a Lelo and NOT love it?

And a few other sundry administrative items of note:

Planning for the Midwest Blogger Bash 2013 is underway! The dates are Thursday, May 2nd- Sunday May 5th. Come for one day, or for all four days!

The hotel has been booked- a Marriott in Downtown Chicago with indoor pool and hot tub, en suite kitchens and free breakfast, for $179-$189 per night depending on room type.

More details to follow, but some ideas in the hopper are a private burlesque/stripper dance class for the ladies and our lingerie photo shoot as well.

Lastly: I want to thank everyone once more for participating in our First Annual Perv Olympics! My guest-hosts did a fantastic job with coordinating their respective events- they have my eternal respect and gratitude. I also have to throw out a HUGE thanks to KellyMissBHaven for creating and distributing the bling to all the winners. Her efforts really made this event stand out and gave the winners the kudos they earned!

The winner of the final event, [post 2979474], will be posted tonight.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!

When it comes to sex, I need a STRONG connection. Otherwise, the page just keeps buffering and takes FOREVER to load...

ABBC12356 41M
2268 posts
4/15/2016 3:34 am


27112 posts
8/17/2012 3:32 pm

Well, that confirms it - my summer next year will be travelling all over hell's half-acre to attend blogger bashes.

Lasttrainhome37 just added notice of a possible winter bash in Winnipeg. Now that one - I HAVE to attend.

Looks like the new job and retirement are "off the table". I may be broke, and in debt, but how can you pass up over 7 weeks of holidays a year ? ? ?

Looks like this gal will be living on soup all year. Got any good recipes for home-made? I know you do.

Check out my profile or and become a "watcher" of my blog FMAOPLS,to learn more about me, and for intelligent, lively, smartassy and fun discussion, with a little irreverence thrown in. "Like" or comment on my photos, and I promise I'll add more. Thanks.

27112 posts
8/16/2012 2:48 am

If I have to drive across 3 Provinces and 2 states, and sleep in my car, I will be there for May.

Now, all I have to do is quit smoking and find a 2nd job. MMMM - 2013 - Chicago, DC, Canada Trois, and Seattle. What's a poor girl to do?

Check out my profile or and become a "watcher" of my blog FMAOPLS,to learn more about me, and for intelligent, lively, smartassy and fun discussion, with a little irreverence thrown in. "Like" or comment on my photos, and I promise I'll add more. Thanks.

gottaring replies on 8/17/2012 2:41 pm:
If I play my cards right, Chicago will be the first of two times we see each other next year .

rm__Safira 61F
11258 posts
8/15/2012 8:16 pm

A story for you (from a previous blog post) ...

Talking about side-splittingly scary, here's one from my "Sex Toys And Safira Do Not Mix -- Adult Supervision Required" annals ...

I saw a toy in November of 2007 that completely entranced me, but I still didn't bite the bullet (*snickerdoodle*) and purchase it until several months later. When I noted the purple penis and back portion really up-close-and-personally I thought, "No fecking way are THOSE going into me!" So I promptly removed THAT part and concentrated on the two bullets underneath.

Flash forward to a gloriously beautiful summer day when I am working from home, alone. The day is winding-down, and I am revving-up ... in a mood for some play time with no partner in sight. I fetch the bullets and begin my ministrations ... LOVELY! Until ... I hear one of my roommates coming home! OH GOD (and NOT in a good way)! No problem ... EXCEPT the toy will NOT shut-off, and it falls on a very sensitive area while I'm fidgeting with it! OH ... MY ... GAWD! Half hysterical that I will be caught in a climatic shout of joy as well as the other half being concerned that my sex toy has been possessed by gremlins, I fight through my fear and pleasure to pry open the top in order to get to the batteries, which I rip-out and throw to the floor ... one-by-one. The damn toy DID NOT shut-off until the third (and last) battery was completely out. At which point, I breathed a sigh of relief ... just as my roomie walks in and hollers up to me, "I am so fucking hot! How was your day?"

I looked balefully at the toy on the floor as I gathered my wits and replied, "I'll be down in a minute. I need a cigarette."

And that's all she wrote ...

(And that's just ONE example of things that have gone horribly, gut-splittingly funny awry when I've tried using a toy that's not human. *giggle*)

This is my blog - [blog _Safira]. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Diogenes5959 64M

8/15/2012 7:39 pm

I stopped buying toys in sex shops when another male customer told me I had a nice ass. And I won't shop online because I can't give my credit card number out and leave a paper trail for the people who are trying to prevent my Presidential run in 2016.

Instead I wait patiently for someone to buy me something sordid for my birthday. It's coming up, you know...

gottaring replies on 8/16/2012 9:01 pm:
Pandering for sex toys on my blog? Shameless!! Especially since you have more toys than you do appendages to use them on (and that's only counting the ones I bought you, you horndog).

You'll get nothing, and you'll like it!

spiderj72 51M
7898 posts
8/15/2012 7:29 pm

i went with something leloesque the last time i bought and am happy with it, or she is happy with it i guess is proper. alright may it is.

gottaring replies on 8/17/2012 2:45 pm:
I can't wait, Spidey. I'll be on pins and needles until I get confirmation that you are in the air and on your way to meet me .

BrownEyedBBW 56F  
8831 posts
8/15/2012 7:17 pm

I don't have one but I no a few women who have a Lelo and swear by it. If I wasn't such a cheapskate, I'd probably check it pout myself. I say got for it and let us know if it's as good as everyone says it is.

As for the Chicago Bach, *cough* what are the chances of having it the week of May 20th instead? I *really* want to come and I'll probably be teaching that week. If you do it that week instead I'll not only be done with school but I'll be able to bring my shiny new diploma.

(oh who am I kidding, I'll figure out some way to get there!)

gottaring replies on 8/15/2012 7:31 pm:
I wish I could change the date, and I would for you because I want to meet you THAT badly, but the hotel rates skyrocket beginning the 12th because of Mother's Day and local graduations.

I will guarantee you this, BEBBW: With God nowhere in the vicinity of this site to bear witness, I still pledge that if you come to the Chicago Bash I WILL have a graduation cake of the finest quality waiting for you at the Meet & Greet. Neither calories nor expense will be spared. And if I can find a cheap knockoff of that TARDIS ring, it shall be yours as well .

PurplePeach72 52F
9194 posts
8/15/2012 5:21 pm

I had to go check out the Lelo website and loved their line of toys. I have a new toy choice for Christmas. When the Viking returns we want to have a couples vibe and I love their version of the rabbit. I'll let you know how I like it when we get them.

I prefer to buy online as the stores just never have the variety I want. Plus I don't have to go any where and they are delivered to my door.

We will be in Italy or moving to Italy by May so no way we could make it. I'm sure I'll miss lots of Bashes in the next few years with us being overseas. Hopefully, we will find the alternative lifestyle community over there to enjoy.


gottaring replies on 8/15/2012 7:32 pm:
If I had the choice of living in Italy or attending the Bash, well, I can't lie. I'd be on the next plane to Venice .

w00f 49F
1087 posts
8/15/2012 5:02 pm

I gotta ask. How did you realize you were allergic?

gottaring replies on 8/17/2012 2:46 pm:
Um. Well, let's just say that I had a not-so-fresh-feeling and knew it wasn't anything sexually transmitted, so I went to the doc and he confirmed it. Hubby thought it was hilarious, but somehow I wasn't as amused.

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
8/15/2012 4:56 pm

I've not got the luxury of a vibrating cock-ring. Mine is just a ravishing blue magnetic joy ring

that's what it says on the pack

gottaring replies on 8/15/2012 7:34 pm:
I received one as part of a gift from a fellow blogger back in May. It looks...tight and uncomfortable. But I've heard men swear that they are awesome!

sexysixties2 106F
39750 posts
8/15/2012 4:52 pm

Okay...I have never actually bought any sex toys...they have always been gifts from lovers and have given me a lot of pleasure!!!!

"Age does not protect you from love, but love, to some extent, protects you from age."

~~Anais Nin~~

gottaring replies on 8/17/2012 2:50 pm:
I don't think I've ever had a man buy me a toy- including Hubby. Perhaps they were all too intimidated or arrogant to introduce possible competition to the mix, lol.

rm__Safira 61F
11258 posts
8/15/2012 4:30 pm

I truly am scared of sex toys. So I think THAT should be a blog post. All of you gathering your thoughts and educating me on what's good for me to get over my fears.

This is my blog - [blog _Safira]. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


gottaring replies on 8/15/2012 7:36 pm:
I think that's a great idea! Nothing will ease your fears faster than a group of women who know their stuff and aren't afraid to help out!

Personally, I was intimidated by the possibility of desensitization from overuse- as if I might not be able to cum without the use of a toy. But there's no replacement for a man's hands, mouth, voice and body. Once I got over this fear, it was smooth sailing (in a manner of speaking).

So what exactly are you afraid of? Or will you answer that in your post?

thatdamncat 66F
3929 posts
8/15/2012 4:09 pm

The tentative dates are now engraved on my calendar and I have already put in for leave Does that give you a clue on if I'll be there or not? If you need help holler! I can do a heck of a lot with a computer in front of me

"You've seen my descent, Now watch my rising!" - Rumi

Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are forged from it - Michele K.

gottaring replies on 8/17/2012 2:51 pm:
I knew I could count on you, Cat .

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