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Top Ten No-No's When Meeting
Top Ten No-No's When Meeting 1. Put some effort into wearing something presentable. That old t-shirt with the rip, stain or faded grateful dead graphic is going to come across poorly. (Unless you know we share something common in music) . Grow up and wear some big boy clothes. Try to make it a shirt without wrinkles. Wrinkles make a girl think of ironing and nothing turns us off more than ironing. 2. Ummm... did you have Italian for lunch? Indian? Or was that a black coffee? Breath mints, mint gum, mint candy ... you get the hint. 3. If you are missing some teeth it would be nice to know beforehand. Skip the tobacco chew. (What were you even thinking?) 4. Body Odor. OMG. Need I say anything more. It's a BIG no-no. Take a shower that morning, put on some nice cologne and try not to do a workout without a shower before you meet. Pretty please. I promise I'll smell just like your favorite rice crispy treat. 5. Stop staring at my boobs. Honestly, I have a face - really. I know they are large and deserve delicious attention (and I might have named them) but uhmmm.... this is a first time meet. I'm going to get the creepy vibe from you. Like<b> stalker </font></b>creep vibe - yuck. Then I'm going to start thinking you watch too much porn. 6. Do NOT do NOT pull out your phone. Don't answer a call, don't text and don't even look at it. If you can't spend 20 minutes at a first time meet without touching your phone or taking a little peek - how much attention are you going to give anything else. I mean ... really. If I can teach my grown to do it - I'm sure you can do it too. 7. Do NOT stare at some other girl who passes the table and look her up and down when you are engaging in a conversation with me. Didn't your mom raise you right? If you want her - then just tell me. I'm sure she has three shoeboxes of sex toys like I do. Yeah right. Just remember karma is a bitch. 8. A first time meet is not where you want to hear about surprises. If you didn't mention you were married 4 other times . - this isn't going to go over well. Or the 12 . Or the 10 cats/dogs/chickens/etc. If you didn't mention you were still married - or were only interested in a hookup - prior to a first time meet - Yes Houston We Have a Problem. Honesty prior to a meet is always the best policy. 9. If you look nothing like your picture - all bets are off. The five minute policy is still in effect and a polite - thanks but no thanks is perfectly ok. Don't get mad and go ballistic when I say no thanks. If you look better than your picture - I'll likely be drooling and slightly incoherent because my brain is stunned. It works both ways. 10. Sex at a first time meet? You might want to ask first. If I slap you - then you'll get the message. Don't try to reach my tonsils and don't go all grabby on me (unless of course I'm giving the signals for full steam ahead and I'm grabbing you and people are staring or clapping or all of the above). Hopefully I didn't miss anything and hopefully I didn't offend anyone. Remember this is all part of the fun. |
It was nice to see that you put it on your post. I am a romantic from days gone by and times long past.
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