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determinism in your life span and where choice actually can take place in it
determinism in your life span and where choice actually can take place in it When you are born you have few choices like being able to cry, move your appendages, shit your pants. You had no choice of parents, location, religion or non religion of the household,etc. When you get a little older you are still a prisoner to what comes your way whether it be information, cultural and social rules, and what is true is all fed to you. No parent teaches you to arrive at a truth through a tool set of logic they just tell you fire is hot, dont stick your hand in the fan, this is how you wipe your own ass. At some point you are left at the mercy of how good your<b> parents </font></b>are and how much they know is true of the real world. If you were born to they will tell you only bad girls sit this way, people that don't look like you are evil, and a mountain of other bad information. If you grow up in a bigoted area, all your friends will most likely be too, you will coast through life thinking what they said was true because everyone you know believes it, god hates fags , now pass the mashed potatoes. Through no choice of your own, you will run into information that may counter it but you don't have the tools yet to process what is real or fact so you just don't believe the counterargument. Throughout your childhood, you will then realize that your<b> parents </font></b>and your culture don't have all the answers and are full of shit if you run into enough people with opposing views, read a book that contradicted what you were told, seen a movie that changed your mind. Again, you had no power or choice in the matter. It could have been a google search you typed wrong that led you to a rabbit hole but it got to you. We have mentors and people that also do the same, they are actively trying to change your mind but you had no choice in what they said and sometimes no choice in hearing it. Even then you keep your beliefs to yourself because the society you live in all think the same way out loud and it is only till you have to move away, again, not your choice as much and growing up. Maybe this is going to a college where you are hit with a bat across the head that gay people don't eat and Mexicans aren't all r*pists but actually are like yourself in many ways. This starts a process but it isn't quite there yet because you may or may not been giving the tools to find out all the bullshit, you just know your<b> parents </font></b>and friends are full of shit on one subject or another. Most people hold onto all the other lies they have been told as long as they don't seem to hurt anyone. You have yet to find a set of rules to decipher bullshit and information when it passes so you latch on to some new form of bullshit. Maybe you think you are a witch or that Hinduism had it all figured out. Maybe it's a reactionary thing where you found out the government lied once so now you believe any person that tells you it even if their argument is that the earth is flat, pedo interdimensional reptilians are playing puppet master with the people in power. The point being you are still bouncing around the universe with no real choice, you think what you think because you were taught this and then found out this and that has led you to where you are at. Even if you think it was a choice you are still a prisoner to what information gets to you based on past experiences, trauma, culture, social circles, etc. Now we have to talk about moral luck. This means if you were born to progressive<b> parents </font></b>or in a melting pot of a city you may have more right answers than some villager that was taught that killing virgins makes the crops come in but through no choice of yours. You were lucky enough to be given the answers and evidence through a location you didn't choose, a school you didn't choose, etc, but at least most of the answers are right. You could never show your work (like math on paper) or morally justify why you are right without parroting what you were told but you were lucky enough to get most of the answers right. This doesn't make you smarter than some poor growing up in rural Kentucky but we all kind of think it does a bit. Another lie we tell ourselves when we achieve success in a life we were not expected to have any in, we think one of two things. I am the most specialist superhuman smart that defied the odds because I am a superhero! The second is that anyone can do it, they are just lazy or have no will like I do. This is called Survivor Bias. The reality is a medley of people, luck, environment, mentors, books, or variations in the same household, gave you an edge you needed to not be the 99% that are born poor and will die poor and you are the 1% that got out of it. It could be a rule to life told to you a crazy aunt, a small exposure to hope from a passer- that said you could be a doctor when they passed through you village when you were ten and started your aspiration. The point is something was given to you, that you didn't earn, or have a choice still but not all the tools are present even here. To this point, your life is still predictive with the right of data sets and a supercomputer we would know why you chose to go to this school or that school and if we rewound time back five minutes you would definitely make the same choice because nothing in the environment has changed for the outcome to be any different. Now, most people right now would hate everything I am saying because the message is you have no real choices, you didn't accomplish anything without the influence and interactions of others you more or less had no control over but fear not! I am about to explain the silver lining. I have to talk about predeterminism/determinism but I won't do it here only to say I don't disagree with the idea that everything to this point can be mathematically equated to something that happened before but it does not predict the future and this thinking is like a mind exercise that does dick all for humanity if we assume we will always choose left even if we are trying to fight the predictive outcome. I have 8 pages on the breakdown of that but ill move on. We can become meta agents, we are not mammals and have evolved a consciousness and appendages to influence many things but still need tools to change outcomes but this is a good thing. We can take any problem of the world and know that the reason it is has an answer and historical data to show why it is so and then we can use that information to fix and not wait for a god or the turning of Saturn to fix it. One of the most important tools is a philosophy on life. Even though many of us don't study it, we practice philosophy daily. It is the golden rule from the bible. It is the rule of non-contradiction, it is Kant's categorical imperatives. I was living my life these rules without any knowledge that some guy in the 00s had already created an answer to what I was trying to write down for my because I had success with it in my life. This information, I was given over the course of my life unwittingly and not through a conscious decision allowed me to no longer be as predictive. I was born in a bad neighborhood, was in the justice system, and most likely was destined to end up like every one of my friends. With a bit of luck and a lot of involuntary information, I was able to dodge that life a millimeter. So what are all the tools that are needed to get you to become an unpredictable individual agent? I have no idea all of them but I know a few. You have to seek the counter-argument to anything you are told or believe. You have to process everything through a non-contradiction filter. Like taking new evidence and processing it for hypocrisy and inconsistencies, then weighing them both. You have to have a moral rule similar to the law of universalizability to also process stuff through. Definition below: Act only according to that maxim which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. When someone acts, it is according to a rule, or maxim. Basically the golden rule without the need of a deity and a book full of contradictions. Basically, if you can punch someone for a belief then you have enacted a law to the universe that anyone can do the same. This and other deontological ways of thinking are what is needed to fairly and justly have discussions and arrive at the most logical conclusion. Pretty much anything Kant has written should be ingested immediately and you should live your life this way as much as possible in my opinion. You cannot be disingenuous or lie. If you lie then the whole world can lie and spread disinformation even if you think it is for the better good of the world. This is short-sighted consequential-ism and if everyone practiced it we would be at the short end of the stick eventually. Here are two examples for my argument: a question from a friend: A trolley is going down a path that will run over your , if you hit the switch it will change rails and 4 people you don't know but your will be fine. Do you do it? answer: No, because the next day my would wake up in a world where anyone can justify doing the same and that is a dangerous world. a mind exercise: The president crash lands on an island with 50 people, if he lies and tells them is on the way to calm them from anarchy they will hang on and live without pulling a lord of the flies. If he tells them the truth there is a big possibility that half of them will the other half so he chooses to lie for the greater good. My answer would be to never lie because the world they wake up to is one that will never trust their government to tell the truth if it means sparing their feelings or is a calculated equation to do the less of harm and that will eventually rot the whole system. They are rescued, but now the public knows the president lied. If they lied once, maybe 9/ was an inside job, maybe the earth is flat. I joke about it but the true reason you don't even white lie to your is that you let that same rot in them. If they said Santa is real then why cant the monster under my bed be too? If we live in a world where the devil roams influencing you and stealing away for being bad then go and tell a person with schizophrenia the voices arent, you don't have much of a leg to stand on and you are at fault when they believe the stars affect their love life or they have special powers for feeling other peoples pain. So in short, I think you can pretty much package the law of universalizability, with the law on non-contradiction with the need to hear any oppositions side of an argument and get pretty well in life bucking the programming and environment that pulls you to and fro but you have to process all the past bullshit you have been told and see if it holds up today or you will be operating at half capacity with a few things right but a few lies rotting you from the true answers to life and the world's problems. This is the proof of determinism. We know that being poor causes stress, prolonged stress causes mental disorders, mental disorders cause substance , substance can lead to long-term damage and predatory behaviors and environments for the person and their family creating a vicious cycle. This is only one part of how poverty damages humanity so if we were to take that evidence and do nothing with it, nothing will change. If we do understand the reasons why things are the way they are we can use this lack of choice to understand bigotry as not being an IQ issue. That if you change nothing in your life but expect to become healthy and fit it will never happen unless you change something that data can correlate to the change. It isn't a bad thing as long as we don't into us not being able to change the future once we have an understanding of it as a law of sorts. Nothing will change unless something changes. sorry in advance, I am not proofreading this right now after typing all this |
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