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Super Oral
Super Oral This is quite sobering! *****See comments section***** A few quotes below from Forbes Magazine, dated Jul 9, 2017, by Bruce Y. Lee. Super Gonorrhea Is Spreading: What's Oral Sex Got To Do With It, * "It is a sexually transmitted bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, that is resistant to most if not all the antibiotics that we have available." * "...the WHO has indicated that strains of untreatable gonorrhea have emerged in three countries: Japan, France and Spain." * " If you are a woman, untreated gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can in turn lead to things such as pelvic or abdominal pain, ectopic pregnancies (when the fetus grows outside the uterus), pregnancy complications and infertility. If you are a man, untreated gonorrhea can cause bad inflammation and pain in your testicles." * "Untreated, the bacteria can also spread to other parts of your body and even be life threatening." * " What can you do to protect against super gonorrhea? Dispel the notion that oral sex is automatically safe sex. Unless you are sure that your partner does not have gonorrhea, use condoms or dental dams for protection. Of course, condoms or dental dams are not 100% effective but they are much better than using nothing. Moreover, don't automatically treat sore throats with antibiotics, and be clear to your doctor about your sexual history. You and your partner also should make sure you are tested and be upfront with each other about sore throats or any other symptoms. " From the CDC (Center for Disease Control) : * "Gonorrhea has progressively developed resistance to the antibiotic drugs prescribed to treat it." * "Antibiotic resistance (AR) is the ability of bacteria to resist the effects of the drugs used to treat them. This means the germs are not killed and they will continue to reproduce. Neisseria (N.) gonorrhoeae, the bacteria that cause the STD gonorrhea, has developed resistance to nearly all of the antibiotics used for gonorrhea treatment: sulfonilamides, penicillin, tetracycline, and fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin. We are currently down to one last effective class of antibiotics, cephalosporins, to treat this common infection. This is an urgent public health threat because gonorrhea control in the United States largely relies on effective antibiotic therapy." From the WHO (World Health Organization): Article, "Scientists warn that antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea is on the rise" dated 07 July 2017. * "New data from 77 countries show that antibiotic resistance is making gonorrhoea much harder – and sometimes impossible – to treat." * "WHO reports widespread resistance to older and cheaper antibiotics. Some countries—particularly high-income ones, where surveillance is best—are finding cases of the infection that are untreatable by all known antibiotics." * "There are no affordable, rapid, point-of-care diagnostic tests for gonorrhoea, which makes the infection difficult to accurately detect, diagnose and treat. Many people who are infected with gonorrhoea do not have any symptoms, so they go undiagnosed and untreated." * "The development of new antibiotics is not very attractive to commercial pharmaceutical companies, as treatments are taken only for short periods of time (unlike medicines for chronic diseases) and, they also become less effective as resistance develops, meaning that the supply of new drugs constantly needs to be replenished." Another piece of relevant information: Going Down Downer Please add your experience and/or opinion at SAFE ORAL SEXFlavored Condoms wo after taste You're invited to CorPlay anytime. Kinky-ish coffee or before bed time fun in favorite chat rooms. Life is too short not to laugh! Peace, light, love |
How upsetting! Never tried the flavored products, but it might be time. Clue the Jetsons It39s Time to Eat Nekkid Autumn Colors, On HNW [post 3312759] My Private Blog - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets
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Interesting, and some of the urgent care ctrs that have sprung up all over the US will treat w/multiple antibiotics BEFORE tests come back...
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Oral sex is one of the great joys of life. Does it mean that I have to ask partners for STD testing proof? If so, what is an adequate time period between tests?
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Your blog about gonorrhea is good, and very important. If you are in Denmark, England, or Canada, there is a preparation in cream/ointment form (hard on kidneys internally) of an antibiotic called Fucidin (Sod. Fusidate) effective on all resistant forms of gonococcus. Developed by Leo Pharma, Copenhagen. I am retired pharmacist/rep. Since I know that many will wonder, 1) Is this cream available without a prescription in in Denmark, England, or Canada? 2) Can a non citizen of those countries obtain it? You're invited to CorPlay anytime. Kinky-ish coffee or before bed time fun in favorite chat rooms. Life is too short not to laugh! Peace, light, love
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xDude456 - Yes, so true - and verifying health histories is important so that precautions for "safer" sex can be utilized. You're invited to CorPlay anytime. Kinky-ish coffee or before bed time fun in favorite chat rooms. Life is too short not to laugh! Peace, light, love
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wow, thanks for the information, re enforces importance of really knowing someone before engaging in any kind of sexual activity. thanks again
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