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Paranormal Activity: The Truth Is..HERE!  

bustinout20202 67F  
844 posts
6/27/2021 6:54 pm
Paranormal Activity: The Truth Is..HERE!

A recently declassified U.S. government intelligence report says that they can’t explain 3 out of 4 UFO sightings recorded in the last few .

I think the numbers are larger than that. I believe they need broaden their investigation include this site. There are several unexplained paranormal activities on here:

1] In the AdultFriendFinder blog-o-sphere, there is the ongoing mysterious case of words disappearing and reappearing…as yet, there is no adequate explanation for this phenomena. The unusual is becoming commonplace however, as bloggers have discovered some workaround solutions and simply “carry on, citizens”.

Some assume that the human brain is capable of filling in the appropriate words based on the context surrounding it.

Others have found that by copying and pasting their entire post in a comment right below their blog post, those disappearing words stay intact.

Still other bloggers insert punc.tuation int.o a common preposition, or substitute numbers 4 lett.ers as shown.
That seems do the trick of keeping the words anchored in the post, but it does make for awkward reading. Usually not a big problem if the blog contains mostly pictures. However…

2] A recent case again, in the blog-o-sphere was the entire loss of interaction for a few days between bloggers and<b> viewers. </font></b>It seems very similar those recorded abduction encounters of the third kind where people have literally lost hours or days. [Not be confused with drug induced time loss! ]

Bloggers could not post pictures on their blogs during this time, and commenters couldn’t post comments.

Curiously, no explanation was given for this strange event, and after a few days, the blogs were functioning as normal and life carried on again as if it never happened.

3] Another paranormal activity observed on this site is one I have experienced firsthand. That is my interaction with interdimensional beings aka “ghosts”.

I never really believed in ghosts until I was on this site.

I now believe in ghosts. I’ve experienced them.

These ghosts seem real enough, they take the shape of human form, anyway, and are adept in the use of computers, tablets, phones, etc. I don’t know; perhaps the pictures they post aren’t really real. I mean, c’mon, some of those anatomy pics are out of this world, don’tcha think? !

Experts have theorized that ghosts are interdimensional entities, traveling through our third dimension, occasionally saying “Hi” on their way to areas unknown:
“For many , I’ve been trying figure out this ghost thing. There’s no doubt it exists, despite what critics say. I don’t understand why ghosts appear or where they come from, but it seems they occupy the same space we do and I think they are in their own time frame, but that’s just my guess.” Taken from Adam Davidson* via

They seem want know us and have a genuine interest in the human species. They probe your mind through conversation and banter. Some have mastered the art of flirtation quite well I have found.

But then…just when you think an encounter is imminent….Poof! Ghosted!

It’s happened a few times.

I communicated with one Entity for an entire year online, and then, Poof! Gone! Ghosted!

Another, I did experience in person. In fact, I documented those encounters with that Entity in my earlier research papers, er, I mean, blog posts.

Then, with very little explanation, Poof! Ghosted.

My latest experience of this ghosting phenomena came from an ongoing FWB. I thought we had very open communication. A great rapport, actually. Always enjoyed our time together. Had begun to plan another rendezvous, when, even mid-sentence, he was gone! Poof! Ghosted. That was nearly a month ago. Maybe he was called back to his own dimension and place in time.

Who knows? I certainly don’t.

So then I got to wondering about all this ghosting activity, as I am new to online interactions and social media, in general. My question: is this ghosting behavior considered ‘normal’ and possibly ‘customary’ in regular online activities or is it endemic to these kinds of sites [i.e. hookup sites] alone? Apparently The Oxford Dictionary sides with the latter as it defines ghosting as:
ghost·ing /ˈɡōstiNG/
1. 1.
the appearance of a ghost or secondary image on a television or other display screen.
"the display is sharper and less prone to ghosting"
2. 2.
the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.
"I thought ghosting was a horrible dating habit reserved for casual flings"

I think that sample sentence in Oxford’s definition sums it up nicely. “a horrible dating habit reserved for casual flings”. Even if these interactions are considered “casual flings”, don’t they deserve the common decency or etiquette of an explanation? There are many degrees of casual flings; from a first "hello" online to a regular ongoing event. One would think the more time spent together, either online or in person, the more it would merit a decent ending, not the drop off that would leave another wondering not just what went wrong but what happened and is the other person still alive???

With ghosting, one never really knows.

The Truth is Out There...still.

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

1bighammer1000 59M
4304 posts
6/28/2021 3:35 am

Ha ha one of the best explanations I have heard.

Anything worth doing is worth doing right

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 8:24 am:
Thanks so much for the read, Mr. Big!

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
6/28/2021 4:26 am

Ha! Another strange phenomena!

I am one of those bloggers that re-posts my blog in the first comment so all the words are there.
And look what I woke up to today!!

"Your comment has been denied due to the following reason: Banned Topics (hate/weapons/under age). Feel free to submit a new comment."

I wonder which part is a Banned Topic???

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
6/28/2021 4:34 am

I don't know about ghosts, but I can tell you that aliens exist ; I've seen them. 😎

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 8:23 am:
The grays?? We have a lot of those in our neck of the woods. I always thought it was because of the rain. But this weekend all the grays are getting a tan! lol!

Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
6/28/2021 4:44 am

Hello Busti

I really like the clever creativity in this post. Plus, I am very much interested in the paranormal.

Regarding the "ghosting" thing...

I was watching a movie with a dear friend of mine and in the movie this person delves into the world of online dating and she learns about this concept (along with a number of other things) and she is practically aghast in disbelief like...

"You mean people actually just don't show up for dates?"

I found this very relatable and also it was clear that she never read page one of the AdultFriendFinder blogs...

*. *. *

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 8:21 am:
Thanks, my friend. It just seems so stupid that the ghosting phenomena exists. And the anonymity of this site, the circumstances of relationships makes it hard to be real. I mean, truly, what if something, god forbid, were to really happen to someone...the fwb would be the last to know...if ever, really.

WyoCowboy7751 71M
2537 posts
6/28/2021 5:06 am

    Quoting bustinout20202:
    Ha! Another strange phenomena!

    I am one of those bloggers that re-posts my blog in the first comment so all the words are there.
    And look what I woke up to today!!

    "Your comment has been denied due to the following reason: Banned Topics (hate/weapons/under age). Feel free to submit a new comment."

    I wonder which part is a Banned Topic???
Exact same thing happened to a reply too a post that I made Like you : there was NOTHING even close to being , ( hate/weapons/under age ) !!!!

bbuckwwheat 65M
6265 posts
6/28/2021 5:47 am

You have a great sense of humor. Unexplained phenomena!

Private mailbox at my blog bbuckwwheat
Fayette, Iowa

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 8:15 am:
Hey thanks so much for the read! 'Twas fun to write. Actually, it was a bit of a rant...but my former boss once told me, "you can say anything you want, as long as you have a smile on your face."
I was smiling as I wrote that!

Kickmterifictony 47M

6/28/2021 6:21 am

I'm sure the government isn't telling us everything. So much stuff is out there about UFOs and they will not acknowledge it. It's a joke

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 8:12 am:
Hey thanks for the read!
And true to form, numbers are mysteriously missing from my post. The correct numbers are 143 out of 144 are unexplained ufos.

CleavageFan4U 67M
69374 posts
6/28/2021 6:32 am

How funny that the comment was rejected but not the main post itself!

Clever analogy overall, and you didn't even feel the need to get into anal probing.

A FUN New Olympic Sport
Back at It At Last
Music, on HNW
[post 3312759] My Private Post - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets – Anything you write here is just between us

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 8:11 am:
Oh, if you could only hear my laughing out loud right now!!!

I found that funny is my comment a banned topic and not my post??? Paranormal, I tell ya!
And I didn't say there wasn't anal probing, but that my friend is for another story...
Stay Tuned!

jajo696 114F  
4287 posts
6/28/2021 8:59 am

I touched on this ghosting thing in my blog Silent Voices. Its like you take a chance, have a rapport ( guess not), begin to trust and they vanish. Disheartening and frustrating to say the least. Honesty, respect and value seem to be in short order for some.

So yes...the govt needs to sign on here and do a thorough examination of this paranormal activity here. Cuz we def have some alien life as members~~

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 9:24 am:
Yikes! They walk among us!!

You know, I can understand a bit of ghosting when there's never been an "understanding" between the two of you. There are those one time trysts that happen. But when its someone you are usually in communication with 2-5x/week, and seeing somewhat regularly, oh I don't a friend...shouldn't there be a value of some kind on the relationship???
Thanks for the read and your comments, jajo! Always appreciated!

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
6/28/2021 1:01 pm

I've been ghosted myself (elsewhere) and it's not nice. What makes it worse is that you really do wonder if the worst has happened, especially when it occurs during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic.

bustinout20202 replies on 6/28/2021 1:40 pm:
Exactly!! Thanks for the read, my friend! btw, I thought I would kill the music quiz this week since it was all about dance music...but, no! I sucked at it!! [not in a good way, either!] lol!

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