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Well , imagine that..  

bitchkitty2017 71F
2245 posts
4/5/2019 6:30 am
Well , imagine that..

Along the Coast of Peru scientists discover an Ancient Whale with 4 legs..
Story by Sarah Sloat for the Biology, Bones and Evolution ..
Around 50 million years ago , whales began inching toward planet -wide colonization .At the time they were small , hooved and land locked animals living in South Asia -quite unlike the giant streamlined humpbacks and bowheads we know today.
While scientists know that whales ancestors came from the sea unto land , then evolved again to go from land into the sea.The importance of the find is to give people more pieces to the evolutionary puzzle...evidence of a creature that lived and walked on land and still roamed the seas off of Peru 42.6 million years ago..The name of the creature in scientific terms is Peregocatus Pacificus...the travelling whale that reached the Pacific.
The skeleton dug out from the coastal desert Playa Media Luna is the first indisputable record of a quadrupedal whale skeleton for the whole Pacific Ocean...additionally the first whole complete skeleton outside of India and Pakistan ..
Appearance wise this whale does not look like the whale we know today it has small hooves which is an indication that it stands and walks on land ...bones in its tail is not much different than beavers or otters indicating it had the ability to swim and the tail indicates also that locomotion was capable of swimming long distances..
Imagine that !

bitchkitty2017 71F

4/5/2019 6:34 am

Every now and then scientists discover a living whale with the vestiges of small hind limbs hiding up inside its body wall..imagine that!

ltrskr 76M

4/5/2019 10:03 am

Great post!

Basilikummen 47M
1006 posts
4/5/2019 10:29 am

This is one of those things which baffles me. Is there "god"? You'd think as a pagan this wouldn't trouble me any, and that creation and evolution can happily coexist. And to a certain extent, that's basically where I sit on the fence.

But as an engineer, I'm troubled.

Because when you look at it, there's a blueprint. There's a defined system. Mammalian life especially follows a very specific design. A design which you can see shared by, well, pretty much everything with an endoskeleton. And you can see similar blueprints elsewhere.

On land, off land, both, no worries. But you will have one spine. You will have one brain. You will have four legs/arms. (Which may or may not be so short as to be "missing", vestigial, or merged.) You will have two eyes. Et cetera. It's a clear design. There's a lot of flexibility within the base plan, but...

The one thing that evolution never successfully does, is break from the principle of the design. Mutation tries. And every single time it dies either or fails to breed. Usually the former. Usually quickly. There's no two-headed fuckatoo. There's no two-tailed visisloth. There's no four-eyed freak. Every single time: dead or fails to breed.

By now, billions of years of evolution should have broken out of that. Somewhen. Somewhere. Something.

But no. The only evolution that goes for enough generations to label a species always falls within the tolerances of the blueprint. You will never see a herd of six-legged horses.

Why not?

To me, the improbability suggests that some agent, divine or otherwise, is fucking with evolution, terminating the mutations that it doesn't want to happen. And that blows my mind. Who would do that? And why? And how?

Inquiring minds want to know.

This is where science, the newest religion, should really shine a light. in my opinion. Because there must be answers. And reality is often stranger than fiction.

For starters, for all of our proclamations, how much do we really understand DNA? What secrets might it yet keep?

And what does it mean when there are breaks from the plan that wouldn't seem to fit the plan's tolerances, but yet were allowed? Such as four stomachs. Such as gender-changing fish.

And what would happen if someone intentionally broke the pattern. If a scientist spliced genes to make a grasshopper/horse hybrid with six legs and wings? (A horsehopper?) Would it live? Could it breed? Would it be happy?? Would a secret government agency end that scientist and research before it happened? Would aliens invade and destroy us all for playing god? Would we break the universe with a paradox? Would Zeus applaud our creativity? Would Jahova turn scientist and horsehopper into pillars of salt? Any of the above? None of the above?

Weird thoughts, eh? Maybe I just see things that aren't really there and it really is just a horrific but possible stretching of probability. Or some other factor we haven't defined with science yet. Maybe it's somehow tied into quantum physics and in a parallel reality all horses are six-legged and they have scientists working on an eight-legged horse. I don't know. But I'd like to know. And I'm thoroughly baffled why I seem to be the only one to see these patterns and wonder things such as this.

Some days I'm sure there's a mental ward, self-hugging jacket, and Thorazine drip with my name on them.

Even an herb as sweet as basil is nothing without its bite.
Lord Basil

bitchkitty2017 71F

4/5/2019 1:59 pm

    Quoting Basilikummen:
    This is one of those things which baffles me. Is there "god"? You'd think as a pagan this wouldn't trouble me any, and that creation and evolution can happily coexist. And to a certain extent, that's basically where I sit on the fence.

    But as an engineer, I'm troubled.

    Because when you look at it, there's a blueprint. There's a defined system. Mammalian life especially follows a very specific design. A design which you can see shared by, well, pretty much everything with an endoskeleton. And you can see similar blueprints elsewhere.

    On land, off land, both, no worries. But you will have one spine. You will have one brain. You will have four legs/arms. (Which may or may not be so short as to be "missing", vestigial, or merged.) You will have two eyes. Et cetera. It's a clear design. There's a lot of flexibility within the base plan, but...

    The one thing that evolution never successfully does, is break from the principle of the design. Mutation tries. And every single time it dies either or fails to breed. Usually the former. Usually quickly. There's no two-headed fuckatoo. There's no two-tailed visisloth. There's no four-eyed freak. Every single time: dead or fails to breed.

    By now, billions of years of evolution should have broken out of that. Somewhen. Somewhere. Something.

    But no. The only evolution that goes for enough generations to label a species always falls within the tolerances of the blueprint. You will never see a herd of six-legged horses.

    Why not?

    To me, the improbability suggests that some agent, divine or otherwise, is fucking with evolution, terminating the mutations that it doesn't want to happen. And that blows my mind. Who would do that? And why? And how?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    This is where science, the newest religion, should really shine a light. in my opinion. Because there must be answers. And reality is often stranger than fiction.

    For starters, for all of our proclamations, how much do we really understand DNA? What secrets might it yet keep?

    And what does it mean when there are breaks from the plan that wouldn't seem to fit the plan's tolerances, but yet were allowed? Such as four stomachs. Such as gender-changing fish.

    And what would happen if someone intentionally broke the pattern. If a scientist spliced genes to make a grasshopper/horse hybrid with six legs and wings? (A horsehopper?) Would it live? Could it breed? Would it be happy?? Would a secret government agency end that scientist and research before it happened? Would aliens invade and destroy us all for playing god? Would we break the universe with a paradox? Would Zeus applaud our creativity? Would Jahova turn scientist and horsehopper into pillars of salt? Any of the above? None of the above?

    Weird thoughts, eh? Maybe I just see things that aren't really there and it really is just a horrific but possible stretching of probability. Or some other factor we haven't defined with science yet. Maybe it's somehow tied into quantum physics and in a parallel reality all horses are six-legged and they have scientists working on an eight-legged horse. I don't know. But I'd like to know. And I'm thoroughly baffled why I seem to be the only one to see these patterns and wonder things such as this.

    Some days I'm sure there's a mental ward, self-hugging jacket, and Thorazine drip with my name on them.
as an engineer though have you not looked at a set of blueprints and even if it were someone elses and said that it somehow didn't look right , that part of thye blueprint isn't going to be strong enough or that being where it is wont support the structure? Then why does the animal kingdom look any different to its creator? take the evolution of man from apes to man? suppose there is another stage to the evolutionary scale ( blueprint) that the creator felt was not strong enough or was not going to lead from ape to man and needed a rest or another step to get to the perfect stage of ape to man....well don't shit your pants yet because there is another stage between ape to man....I will follow up on that in another post...

bitchkitty2017 71F

4/5/2019 2:00 pm

    Quoting  :

Thanks sweet thing...hope your weekend is grand .and safe

bitchkitty2017 71F

4/5/2019 2:01 pm

thanks for the comment hope people enjoy time away from crap in order to learn some things lol

scoupe42 61M

4/6/2019 7:39 am

Wow! I'm also good to learn something new. Great blog!

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