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“Thoughts for a Rainy Thursday Afternoon”  

backpocket13 50M
1532 posts
4/15/2021 1:54 pm
“Thoughts for a Rainy Thursday Afternoon”

-|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- WELCOME THE SINNERS CLUB -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|-

“The bullshit piles up so fast you need wings to stay above it.”

~ Captain Willard ~ “Apocalypse Now”

-|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- THOUGHTS FOR THURSDAYS -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|-

..........Greetings and Salutations my Fellow Sinners!........I Pray by Great Satan’s Pitchfork that All of my Darkly Deviant Devotees reading this post out there, Alone in Blogville tonight are Keeping their Heads Down and their Eyes Wide Open, while Hanging Loose and playing Fast and Dirty without getting caught!........I’d like to admit that I’ve been Absent from blogging lately because other Bloggers (And I use That term Very lightly.) from both sides of this Moronic bloggers “Conflict” have been Including Me! (Of all People!) in their pathetic little Blogville squabbles.......As a result of these squabbles I’ve been Blocked by half a dozen other brainless automatons who apparently just blindly do what they’re Told rather than think for themselves,.......Truthfully,.......being blocked by individuals of this caliber is actually a tender mercy indeed, it keeps me from having to wonder when the knife shall be slipped between my blasphemous ribs and into my heart!........Ahhhhh Well,.......As for You my Faithful Followers,........My apologies for having to Air My Grievances on Our Time,........What I have For You this evenings are a few Very Random thoughts/quotes/images/and or general nonsense for You to Consider until We all Meet again at this very spot the next time the urge moves me.........Until then, Sin for Me if You Please!..........

Sinfully Yours, backpocket
Minister of Propaganda; THE SINNERS CLUB

Post Script, If you’ve blocked me from your blog, yet still feel the need to creep over here and read my blog, know that I hold No Animosity towards You because of this, just remember to P.lay Nice (What a Novel Idea!) while you’re here,.......Thank You, carry on,........

Post, Post Script, I see that the Missing Word Gremlins are Back,........O’ how I Have Not missed thee!.........

-|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- I’M THE ONLY HELL THAT MY MOMMA EVER RAISED -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|- -|-

smartasswoman 66F  
35813 posts
4/17/2021 12:14 pm

Jeez, once again I'm out of the loop on blog drama. Anyone who'd block your fine ass isn't worth reading.

Hope you are having a spectacular weekend! ❤️

backpocket13 replies on 4/20/2021 7:08 am:
Hey Smartie,
........These new top bloggers are Nuts!........The more things change and all I guess!.........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

backpocket13 replies on 4/20/2021 12:21 pm:
Hey Smartie,
........I forgot your Emojis!......Sorry Darlin!...........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

RyuFujin 57F  
1445 posts
4/17/2021 4:50 am

Wait, whut?

Who in High Unholy Hades would block you? If anything (from what I recall), it's the opposite.

Fuck them. Fuck them in the neck. They're not even worthy of a skull fuck.
What's a skull fuck, I hear you say? Another fancy way of saying *blow job*.

"Be who you are and say what you feel. Those who matter won't mind, and those who mind won't matter." ~ Dr. Seuss.

backpocket13 replies on 4/19/2021 8:34 am:
Hey Darlin,
.........It’s just Plain Crazy isn’t it!...........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

TicklePlease 56F  
13851 posts
4/16/2021 4:41 am

I am totally digging that surfing devil!!! ^5

backpocket13 replies on 4/19/2021 8:33 am:
Hey Ticklish,
........That’s one of my All Time favorites too!.......Great Minds and All!..........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
4/15/2021 8:22 pm

*. *. *

backpocket13 replies on 4/19/2021 8:31 am:
Hey Darlin,
........Thank You for stopping by to give Me a Read!........Hopefully we’ll see You again real soon!...........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

Selektah666 33M

4/15/2021 4:26 pm


backpocket13 replies on 4/18/2021 9:21 am:
Hey brother,
........Thank You Sir!.......I look forward to seeing you again in the Not So Distant future!........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

SweetMysterie 51F
3641 posts
4/15/2021 4:20 pm

The lurking I do around Blogville to find things worth my time to read has definitely become less enjoyable with the ceaseless drama and conflict. Fortunately I have found some worthwhile and . . . stimulating blogs to visit when I'm not hiding under a rock to stay out of the fray.

Glad to see you around again.

“As with the butterfly, adversity is necessary to build character in people.” ~ JB Wirthlin

backpocket13 replies on 4/18/2021 9:20 am:
Hey Myst,
........Thankfully there are Still a Handful of Blogs worth reading,......One day I’d like to be One of them!.......Maybe a Points Giveaway will help,.......Lol!.........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
4/15/2021 3:15 pm

It's a shame there's no vaccination against conflict and squabbles. It would make life so much easier!

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

backpocket13 replies on 4/18/2021 9:17 am:
Hey pagan baby,
.......I’d settle for One All Inclusive Stupidity Vaccine for the Vast Majority of Mouth Breathers on This site,......That or a Strictly Enforced Sterilization/Lobotomization program,.......Either Or, I’m good with Both options!.........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
4/15/2021 2:16 pm

Does the Bible REALLY say that? I don't know, I never saw the movie.

Ya got blocked? WTF ? lol 😂
Is there no one out there who appreciates a twisted word? They can have that parcel of the island 🏝 to themselves.
It's almost Friday. I turned my house upside down, and I found my fucking drivers license, so now I don't have to watch my speedometer or turn left every time there's a cop driving behind me.
Life is good! 🍷🍷😎❗❗

backpocket13 replies on 4/18/2021 9:11 am:
Hey Paul,
.......Yeah Brother,........That would be Deuteronomy, 22:29 in case you’re feeling like Brushing Up on your bible studies!........As for that Drivers License, it’s like a Hand Grenade,.....Better to have one and not need it, then to need one and not have it,........Wait, did I just Fuck that Up?.........Ah Well, I imagine you Grasp my Meaning!.......Hope your Weekend was a Wild Blast!.........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

Tmptrzz 61F  
107039 posts
4/15/2021 2:11 pm

Sorry to hear that you got dragged into some stuff here on the site, it just amazes me that some just have to keep this shit going.. I hope you enjoy your Thursday..

Seduce the mind and see what a wonderful adventure the body will take you on..

backpocket13 replies on 4/17/2021 11:24 am:
Hey Temptation,
.........No more Bullshit going on here,.........I did a little Blocking of my own Thank You!.........
Sinfully Yours, backpocket13

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