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Blogs > TippyToes59 > Jody Calls |
Yeah, Right. . .
Yeah, Right. . . Started out to be a good day, and perhaps it will finish that way. . .but at this moment in time I'm disgusted with the moron who handles our mail route, and the fat, ugly, slut one of my stepsons lives with. The former constantly misdelivers mail to us that belongs to our neighbors, and the latter is the dumbest, most conceited piece of shit that ever walked on two legs calling itself 'human'. Sighs. I have, as I thought possible, another to take home in a few hours, which is not a big deal because he lives inside city limits, meaning that my afternoon shift, including loitering time, should only take 1.5 hours at MOST. Fine by me. I decided to refuel NW while waiting to leave the parking lot early this morning, so I drove her from work to the Shell station down the road, barely making it before it ran out off gas. It took 15 gallons, at a cost of just over $51 on the credit card. This is five more gallons than I thought it would. Oh, well. Bambi is getting ready to head out to her office for the annual holiday party, then over to her PT appointment. I should beat her home, but am not counting on it. Decided to NOT go to shop this morning, but will get the salvage effort done ASAP. Not a huge hurry. I have Bambi's laundry in the living room, waiting for me to take it downstairs to the basement and get it into the washer. I've done this over three years now and will be VERY thankful indeed when she can finally do things like that for HERSELF! I feel like I'm a drudge sometimes. Still haven't eaten anything at all since very early this morning, but that's not unusual for me. Probably have a Dagwood sandwich before leaving for my afternoon shift, maybe a glass of iced tea. Local hospitals are getting overwhelmed by COVID cases, and elective surgeries aren't being done in them for the time being. It's getting BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STILL waiting for her to come downstairs. It takes her forever to do ANYTHING1 Life goes on. . . . |
Today is a new day my friend and hope it is a better one for you...xoxo
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