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RARE HAWAIIAN MUSHROOM causes WOMEN to ORGASM INSTANTLY by SMELLING IT ONLY An obscure, -year-old study has been getting a lot of attention lately thanks a sensational claim made by a couple of scientists that an unnamed species of bright orange mushroom found in Hawaii caused spontaneous orgasms in a handful of women who smelt its odour. Let’s start from the beginning. In 2001, a pair of medical scientists published a report in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (the site's down atm) describing the effects of an unnamed species of mushroom on 36 male and female volunteers. Belonging Dictyophora genus of stinkhorn mushrooms, which has since been renamed as Phallus, the mushroom is said only grow on top of the 600 to 1,000-year-old lava flows of Hawaii, and the scientists, John C. Holliday and Noah Soule, describe it as particularly difficult to find. Prompted by rumours that the mushroom’s scent is a powerful female aphrodisiac, the pair conducted a ‘smell test’ on female and 10 male volunteers. of the women reportedly experienced a mild (nope, not "earth-shattering"), spontaneous orgasm when they sniffed the mushroom, while the remaining 10 were found have an increased heart rate when given a smaller dose. The male volunteers, the other hand, said they thought the mushroom’s "fetid odour" smelt disgusting, and that was the extent of its influence them. The researchers reported at the time: "Indeed, nearly half of the female test subjects experienced spontaneous orgasms while smelling this mushroom. These results suggest that the hormone-like compounds present in the volatile portion of the spore mass may have some similarity human neurotransmitters released during sexual encounters." Further, as we know, the results of an experiment cannot be seen as definitive until they are reproduced under a different set of conditions, and this has yet be attempted. There is also zero scientific evidence outside this study that an orgasm can be triggered solely by a scent, so if the researchers want make that claim, they’ve got a whole lot of work do. A possible explanation could be that unidentified mushroom was actually the species Phallus indusiatus, or something very similar. Found in the tropical regions of southern Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Australia, this phallus-shaped stinkhorn mushroom is said be a female aphrodisiac in Hawaiian and South Pacific lore, referred as Mamalo o Wahine, which translates "women’s mushroom", and has a recorded history of use in Chinese medicine dating back to the 7th century AD. Perhaps the women in the study were influenced by the mushroom's reputation. Perhaps its suggestive shape combined with the unnatural environment of a medical study conjured something in the minds of the volunteers that wasn't entirely accurate. We'll probably never know, because the mushroom has never been identified, and until some definitive studies are published the biology of scent-triggered orgasms, we're not going hold our breath. |
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