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Inappropriate Temptation: You Know You're Not Supposed to  

PeterLongHenry 70M
70 posts
11/1/2014 4:58 am
Inappropriate Temptation: You Know You're Not Supposed to

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You know you've wanted to do it. Everyone does.

I know I did.

Especially when I was a .

It's such an easy<b> temptation. </font></b>Even if you're not supposed to.

I did it once too. Just to try it.

And nothing bad happened!

My dad found out and he was peeved about it. He had a way of being strict, almost anal, about stuff like that.

He didn't really get it.

But I did. I had it figured out even back then.

They never came and arrested me for it either. Because nobody really cared.

Yep, I did it. And it felt good.

I ripped off the"Do Not Remove Under Penalty Of Law" tag. Big deal!

I'd read the fine print. The law applied to the seller. Once you buy it it's yours.

They did change the tags, eventually. Now they specifically exempt the consumer from jeopardy. Probably too many people called their representatives in Congress and asked why they can't take the tags off. But back then it was quite the tease to risk life and limb over a product label.

Interesting how perception of what's inappropriate is influenced by labels and expectations and our unique perspective on things though, isn't it?

LaffLuvLilyslive 57F
2456 posts
11/5/2014 7:35 am

if love isn't the answer, than I misunderstood the question

PeterLongHenry replies on 11/6/2014 3:52 am:

Mature43Sums 70F  
117 posts
11/3/2014 12:32 pm

LOL....Nice temptation...those pesky signs always concerned me as a youngster

PeterLongHenry replies on 11/4/2014 6:29 pm:
Thanks. It's the temptation to rebel we all feel from time to time. The tags are just the object of our rebellion.

humorlife 57M  
5710 posts
11/2/2014 10:13 am

Not sure how removing mattress tags would cause someone to become a kleptomaniac... it's awfully hard to stuff a mattress down one's shirt when the clerk isn't looking...

Glad you were able to face -- and overcome -- your demons!

Stop in, read, and offer comments at my "swinging as seen in the media" blog, "Confessions of a Lifestyle Man" humorlife, which is also the home of the monthly virtual symposium. New post: The Virtual Symposium Returns Lets Pick A Topic

PeterLongHenry replies on 11/2/2014 1:57 pm:
I wasn't quite sure about that myself.
What is a temptation but a tease, of sorts? I thought it would be fun to tease within a story about temptation. It seems to have been liked.

sweet_VM 66F  
81699 posts
11/2/2014 7:44 am

Excellent story. I think we have all done something like this as well when we were younger.. Rebellious youth it was! hugsssssssssssss V

Become a blog watcher sweet_vm

PeterLongHenry replies on 11/2/2014 1:54 pm:
Thanks. Yes, it is about the temptation of rebelliousness. Repeated often in my youth and "as needed" since! Hugs!

KItkat1415 62F  
20051 posts
11/1/2014 12:31 pm

This was am amusing post. I loved your take on it.

Somehow I never felt this way and got told by my friends that I was definitely a daring person for doing exactly this.


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PeterLongHenry replies on 11/1/2014 7:02 pm:
I've been in a light hearted mood lately. I'm wanted to share that by poking a little fun at temptation. I'm glad it amused you.

kzoopair 73M/71F
25831 posts
11/1/2014 12:01 pm

Damn! I felt like that as a kid too! But I ripped 'em off anyway. It's become a habit.

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PeterLongHenry replies on 11/1/2014 6:27 pm:
Thanks for commenting. I think many of us did. As soon as we saw it said don't do it we just wanted to do it.

LaffLuvLilyslive 57F
2456 posts
11/1/2014 8:19 am

how funny..
its a wonder since you liked how it felt that you did not become a klepto

if love isn't the answer, than I misunderstood the question

PeterLongHenry replies on 11/1/2014 11:24 am:
Well, I never did become a klepto. I did grow up to be part of that rebellious, "Question Authority". 60's generation though. But with a sense of humor about it.

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