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Bond...Chad Bond  

New2Midlo 54M
671 posts
10/10/2021 8:34 am

Last Read:
10/20/2021 1:35 pm

Bond...Chad Bond

The latest James Bond film finally being released has, as expected, brought with it the various pundits and their perpetual complaints of how Bond is a misogynist and a symbol of wealthy, white male privilege. On the former, they point to instances such as Connery's Bond shooing a woman away, by slapping her bum and saying 'man talk'. , this happened in a movie released before I was born, so it's really fucking old. If I cared enough to look, I'm willing to bet I could find a dozen equivocal vignettes in other contemporary films. His boss is a woman, who he treats with respect, even if he breaks into her house occasionally. The critics also point to how Bond would remove (several different) women's clothing, acting in an almost predatory or coercive manner, and have sex with them. As Bond's promiscuity, that's been gone for decades. They decided to have only one sexual partner in a film back when Pierce Brosnan played Bond. The predation argument is bullshit, as well. Bond oozed charisma and danger, such that women wanted to sleep with him. In many instances, there was an imminent threat of death to both parties; might as well fuck. Not to mention it's not as though he walked up to women on the street and disrobed them.

On to the potentially touchy topic of wealthy white male privilege. Actually, there's not much to say about this beyond, have you looked around at who's running things? In the western world, it's wealthy white males. The first two people on private flights to space were wealthy white males. To be clear, I'm very much in favor of<b> giving </font></b>more work to talented non white male actors. However, I'm not in favor of modifying the foundation of an icon to do so. I read the new 007 is an African American woman. (the movie is set five years after Bond retires) Great that new talent is getting cast in important roles, and women are being portrayed as strong characters, but you can't pretend the franchise won't radically change with it.

Amazon has announced plans to buy MGM, who owns the Bond franchise. There have already been suggestions to the effect that new business daddy may want to improve the profitability of the franchise by expanding it beyond standalone Bond films. My fear is that Amazon will do to Bond what Disney did to another iconic film empire, Star Wars. Perhaps I'm old and grumpy, but there have been so many ancillary Star Wars vehicles launched, that I've stopped paying attention. The last Star Wars movie was crap, so why would I think the raft of new shit would be different? At least I think it was the last movie, because who cares, it was crap? The movie about Lando was also lukewarm on a good day, only not being crap because I had low expectations going in. Anyway, that was the last bit of the franchise that I consumed and have no plans to change that. Fuckers.

As for Amazon, they've already pissed me off mightily with their movie, Tom Clancy's Without Remorse. Of course, Tom Clancy had nothing to do with it because he's been dead for eight years. Those who are Clancy fans likely recall his book, Without Remorse, which is the origin story of John Clark, a recurring CIA operative character, in Clancy's original works. It was brutal, gritty, and full of very ugly deeds. The movie is ostensibly the same, yet has a completely different plotline. Being old and grumpy, my position on that is WTF?? While they were fucking it up, Amazon sugar coated the whole damned thing. Without Remorse was not a feel good book!!! A Tom Clancy work, titled Without Remorse, already exists. You can't choose the same title and make it something completely fucking different!

If fucking up iconography is suddenly okay, you may as well get started on Bond films. Our hero now utilizes collaboration, inclusiveness, and mediation to negotiate with the baddies in order to create a win win scenario for all parties involved. Same outcome, after all. The James Bond character was brutal, violent, and liberally exercised his license to kill. How long before he's a dude with patches on his elbow talking about feelings? Is that where we're headed?

New2Midlo 54M
1075 posts
10/10/2021 8:36 am

And I'm really pissed that Q no longer immediately conjures up images of Desmond Llewelyn.

New2Midlo 54M
1075 posts
10/11/2021 8:14 pm

BTW, I'm at a bit of a loss how this post has gotten 5x the one about the right wing media, which has a much more interesting title. On that topic, if you want to laugh your ass off, go read the comments section on OAN news. Those with brains troll the living shit out of the (still need a name for these people) with facts, with responses that immediately turn insulting, only to have their asses handed to them again. I literally laughed out loud a few times.

lindoboy100 61M  
23969 posts
10/12/2021 9:31 am

I LOVE a good Bondie......but they are what they are, not much more than pantomime. You need to have your tongue firmly in your cheek and see the films for the relatively lightweight camp nonsense that they are. On the other hand, if there's some subliminal messaging that can be incorporated which might help t bring them up to date, well that cannae be a bad thing either.

Good rant McMid. I'm looking forward to seeing the new film, and I'll be interested to see how an african american women plays the role. If it doesn't work, for whatever reason (she could be shit at acting, but that never held Sir Sean back) I don't think they'll persevere for too long.

New2Midlo replies on 10/13/2021 11:27 am:
To a degree, Bond movies almost began to be parodies of themselves, but nice entertainment to escape for a few hours.

My knee jerk thought on the whole thing is 'make new franchises that are more inclusive but don't screw stuff that's already established'. Within limits, of course.

rh1972 52M  
609 posts
10/13/2021 3:39 pm

It's pathetic cucks like you, pretending some intellectual and moral superiority over normal people, who caused the degradation and deconstruction of cultural icons, norms, and values.

Please, do go on feeling smug and superior to those OAN viewers though. Chances are, you'll be lining up to get your booster shot every six months, hoping your virtue will be noticed and you'll get laid, while us normal people will laugh at you and actually have a life worth living.

Just remember to let us all know when you've developed AIS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - and need to wear a full body condom just to live.

New2Midlo replies on 10/13/2021 6:03 pm:
You do realize this post was about James Bond, right?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present exhibit A with respect to the character and intellect of OAN viewers.
You people would make me laugh if you weren't extending a pandemic.

missthee 58F  
4511 posts
10/18/2021 2:40 am

I'm not for forcing everything in the fictional sphere - novels, poetry, film, tv series, comics, song lyrics, etc - to become aligned with political correctness. After all, it's fiction.
Not only does it take away from the complexity and the 3dimensionality of fictional creations like Bond, it also takes away the opportunity for a discussion about the not-so-palatable aspects of these fictional characters. They aren't meant to be role models, they are created primarily for entertainment. Sometimes the dark/controversial aspects of a fictional character serves to make them more realistic, more like us. Analysis and debate about the unsavory elements of a fictional character or the fictional narrative as a whole, potentially can lead to introspection and a closer look at one's own flawed humanity.

New2Midlo replies on 10/18/2021 8:26 am:
Well said.
Not every lead character in fiction needs to exhibit role modelesque virtues and behavior. In fact some of the most memorable pieces were led by antiheroes, who were quite the opposite. From Tony Montana (Scarface) to Han Solo (who shot first, get over it), John Wick, Walter White (Breaking Bad), and the entire Simpson family. None of those works would have been worth watching, had those antiheroes been upstanding individuals, who valued inclusivity and diversity. What's good for society frequently causes works of fiction to be garbage.

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