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Reunion - A "Bucket List" Epiphany
Reunion - A "Bucket List" Epiphany I just got the car back from it's pre-trip pampering. Fresh oil and wiper blades and a mechanical check up. A new sway bar and mount were called for and installed. It's ready to rock and roll on down the highway. Once, I thought when the were on their own we'd be carrying a lighter load on these vacation car trips. There's less luggage to squeeze in. And no toys and boomboxes or games and activities - or passengers* - for the back seat. And sometimes that's been true. But, then, I realized, with all that extra room I should be bringing MY toys! I'm bringing my bicycle. It fits inside my Honda Element. I tried it out last Monday. Loaded it up and drove to a park along the Erie Canal then took a long ride on the tow path trail. All those past vacation trips to visit family with the I wanted to bring my bicycle along. There's was never a chance. Too much other stuff to tote along. And if I'd have brought mine then I would have had to bring 3 more. It's one of those "I always wanted to do that" things and I guess that makes it something I can check off my bucket list. Not that I've really been keeping one, not consciously or specifically. An opportunity I didn't expect came along. I discovered after I first got the Element last winter that I could get my bike inside it. I thought that would be good for doing things like that Canal trail ride. And then it occurred to me - I could bring it along on vacation like I've always wanted to! And that makes it a bucket list thing and in 10 days I can check it off the list. Maybe there will be some others, too. This has got me thinking. I don't know how many more of these trips I'll get to take. Especially the vacationing with family. We're all not getting any younger. I still enjoy traveling. And I'll be more aware of those opportunities, I hope, when the chance to do one of those "always wanted to" things happens. No more "I'll do it next time" or "I would, but..." I'm still not making a list. Just staying open to possibilities. I am making a different list - my packing list. And I thought this was going to get simpler and easier! The list keeps getting longer even as I check things off. I've been monitoring the pre-event background drama but staying out of it. Except for nudging the boat rental debate to settle on three days instead of four (mostly because other scheduled events superseded it). And when "cabin fever" sets in after we've been there a few days it might be time to get away and go check a few things off "the list". That would be better than giving in to the<b> temptation </font></b>to check off giving a few people who probably have it coming a piece of my mind. Nope. No need to make more drama... I'm going on this trip for a vacation and fun. That's why I'm bringing my bicycle. Or maybe I'll take the canoe out for a paddle... * - There is one caveat. My will be flying in to the reunion from a trip to the west coast and will be riding back with us so we will have a return trip passenger (and luggage). But there's room. Just. En-Joy! En-Joy! |
6/8/2014 10:40 pm |
Fantastic . A man must have his toys An orgasm a day , makes you so much happier at work and play
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