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Bad Sex from men....more theorizing by women
Bad Sex from men....more theorizing by women I was reading a few blogs on here and one came to light about how their is a growing trend of men being bad lovers and using the term WOMANIZER as being a result. The entry went on about their findings being backed by a certain women's magazine and went on to crunch numbers. My INITIAL reaction? Yes. SOME men are bad lovers. Even selfish. The dick gets hard, we want to stick it in a hole, thrust a couple minutes- CUM, then its over. Leaving women to feel used like a hole in a mattress. I remember this phrase as my ex used it once when clearly i was out for myself a few times and didnt care about her getting hers. But women ARENT the victims they perceive themselves to be. When I hear about FAKING ORGASMS...that tells me you are just a victim of your own design. YOU train a guy to do that same things that DO NOT work. And you reward these acts how? By faking an orgasm. Do you really GAIN anything by faking? If your a bad faker, you look super, super horrible. If your a good faker.. congrats. You fooled the guy who DIDNT care if you climaxed or not... This Excerpt kinda stood out to me: The sex-ratio imbalance in American colleges and universities today is dramatic: 57 percent of students are women and only 43 percent are men….As a result of campus sex-ratio imbalances, lots of women now find themselves in relationships with men that aren’t in college at all, creating an awkward—and typically temporary—sexual relationship of imbalanced future directions.” The article went on to say the result of this imbalance lead to women being on the pill and pornography. IMAGINE how college life would be for women if there was no Porn for the college guys to beat the bishop to...? A SEX STRIKE can blow up in your face.You know those sorry lines men say about : "You drove me into the pussy of another woman!" It'll actually be true this A man can only resist<b> temptation </font></b>SOO MUCH. With all these points made in the article, I noticed nothing was mentioned about the Pillow Princess. Maybe next time ill touch on that topic. ~Linc was here.~ |
I read the other thread, as well, and what surprised me is that these young men are raised more frequently by single moms than their predecessors. So you would think that daily exposure to an independent female role model might encourage them to RAISE their game, not slack off. So I'm wondering if HOW they're being raised might provide some answers? And are boys raised in two-parent households more in tune with mutual pleasure? In the quoted piece, there was also mention of changing gender roles having a psychological impact--men have lost their "place" in the world. But that doesn't track. If men were such great lovers beforehand, then surely a more independent, selective and experienced partner would require everyone's "A game." Or was the author simply talking about performance anxiety, i.e. I can't get hard unless you know I'm "the man?" It's an interesting discussion, indeed. Or perhaps it simply a reflection of online porn--where most boys learn about sex. It's all about nutting, giving facials and creampies. Back in the day, sex scenes had soft lighting, nice music and ladies arching in ecstasy. JMO but lovemaking as depicted in films seemed much more about HER pleasure than it does today.
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