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Happy Friday
Happy Friday When you are self employed it really is hard remember what day it actually is. I have always wanted a blog attached one of our profiles. We are always experiencing new adventures so its fun have some place talk about it. I am currently in the process of writing a book about our adventures and other things going on between us. I'm also in talks with a reality TV show broadcast our life. Think of The Osborne show but with porn stars. Anna and my relationship remains strong. We still love each other very much. We have both been under a great deal of stress considering our current situation. Back at the end of last year it was not so stable though. We sold our house and instead of buying a new house like we should have, we decided that it might be smarter rent. So we found a great deal on a rental house near where we lived at that time. Anna packed her things and moved in there. I stayed at our other house with my best friend at the time and her boyfriend. Fast forward a few months, I moved back in with Anna but we still have another year left on our new rental. Everything was fine except the housing market decided take a poop and its almost impossible purchase a house in my area without over spending and paying at least $30-50k over asking price. Renting sounds a lot better for the moment until you take into account you are still living in someone else's house. Not only "someone" but a greedy Chinese investor who is bitter that the rent you are paying is way under market value now the the housing market is so crazy. He wants to raise the rent to what it should be. It should be priced at 5-6k more a month than what we are paying. Who's fault is that? Property managers fault. That's who. Well, a while back when Anna and I tried an open relationship I dated (very briefly) a dermatologist here in the area and from the beginning she has wanted me to divorce Anna and make her the "New Anna" Which I never would do. So after several months of trying to escape the crazy bitch I finally think I'm free. Not before she found out my landlords info and made several complaints to him and the police about everything you can think of to get us evicted. Which is where we are at currently. They are suing us for eviction on the grounds that they say we are running a business out of our house (ie. Porn, web streaming, , trafficking) All of which is false. This<b> stalker </font></b>bitch has created fake accounts on all of our porn accounts so she will get notified if we are ever online. So the one time Anna and I jumped on our onlyfans account of course she was there also. She posted Anna's real name and address inside the chat. I shut it down but I'm sure everyone who was in there wrote it down. We can only pray that her fans do not spread that otherwise I would have shut everything down for good. This is becoming more of the norm for us than crazy times since we started porn. More come later.... James |
happy friday back at yuh
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