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HappySynner 63M
1102 posts
6/20/2008 2:28 pm

Welcome to the first day of summer ... this year - unlike last - I will try and post some very informative blogs such as BBQ tips, preparing summer beverages, money saving vacations and hopefully much more! If you have any ideas on what you would like to read aobut in a blog .. let me know. I will do my best to research it, post it and give you the credit for the idea.

With summer here and this whole global warming thing happening ... it is even more important to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Oh sure - I am also of the beleif that the sun is good for our bodies, it provides some healthy nitrients and we should get a fair amount of sun ... but like they say - everything in moderation.

Where to use sunscreen
The general rule should be that you cover every part of your body with sunscreen that might be exposed to sun light. Certain parts of your body have a special risk of getting burned since they are more exposed areas of your body than others. These so called sun terraces are:

* forehead
* cheekbone
* bridge of the nose
* lower lip
* top of the ear
* shoulders
* outside of the arms
* back of the hands
* top of legs
* shins

Always apply sunscreen half an hour before you expose yourself to the sun. Reapply every two to three hours. Do so even when you are using a<b> waterproof </font></b>sunscreen. This is because most of the ingredients of a sunscreen form unstable compounds that will fall apart after a certain amount of time and light doses. They also can rub off, sweat off, or wash off. But be aware that reapplying does not increase the SPF!

Overall there is no certainty about the assumption that the use of sunscreen may increase the risk of getting skin cancer. So do not stop using sunscreen. It is still important to protect yourself from UVA and UVB radiation. Just make sure you use it properly and avoid excessive sun exposure.

Again sunscreen is great, but it should not be your main defense against the harmful rays of the sun. Sunscreen should complement your protection against the harmful rays of the sun.

Next to sunscreen you should do the following to protect yourself:

~ TEN TO FOUR… SUNLIGHT NO! Try to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This may be unrealistic for some, so try to postpone sun intensive activities (like swimming) for the late afternoon and early morning hours and seek shade.

~ If you do not have a watch use the shadow rule: if your shadow is shorter than you… head for cover.

~ Be sure to wear protective clothing, which for some may be more realistic than avoiding the sun totally.

~ Do not be fooled by the clouds (most UV light penetrates the clouds).

~ Water? Snow? Be especially careful, both reflect the harmful rays of the sun (it can cause some funny looking sun burns in strange places). When around reflective surfaces like snow and water use sunscreen (even under your nose, on your chin, on the bottom of your ears…

WARNING: I am always void where prohibited by law.
Theme song: Nina Simone - Sinnerman

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