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Part 1 Teenage Years  

Gina_L07 68T
36 posts
7/8/2020 9:11 am

Last Read:
10/14/2020 7:43 am

Part 1 Teenage Years

My story – part 1 Teenage

I always say that every transgender's story and journey is different. Mine started when I was . My older sister and brother were adults and had moved on college so I had the house myself. I had just discovered masturbation yet my fascination went further. Not only was I interested in tugging on it but I seem want taste it too. So whenever I got the solitude and chance to do that I would lie down on the bathroom floor with my back to the door and raise my legs over my head to press against the door. With some adjusting for distance I would lower my legs using the pressure on the door to somewhat successfully get it low enough to get the little head in my mouth. When not doing that I would stuff clothes in the laundry basket under my pants and pretend being pregnant. All this was done without knowing how you got pregnant. I was born in south Georgia to a very religious mother and father. Religious yet liberal as my dad was against the Vietnam war and my mom was very involved in social programs helping the less fortunate. Of course being liberal in the 60s was different from what it is defined or portrayed today. However when it came to sex I was clueless and my Dad when it came to sitting down and talking to me about it just gave me a book written by some pastor. I got nothing from it.

My first time dressing was 2 later at age . I was alone again and with only 3 TV channels pick from I was bored. So venturing into my Mom's closet I found a hideous yellow dress which had a collar that took it up to the neckline. I slipped it on and finding some lipstick on her dresser proceeded to paint my lips. My first venture only lasted minutes as I was fearful of someone arriving undetected. After that I discovered a wig in the hall closet. So my second time I tried on a different dress with lipstick and the wig. I can't say it was an eye opening experience as I did not understand or know about crossdressing or any significance to it. This was 1970 so no Internet to guide or provide more insight.

So just a few instances where if it happened today would probably have charted a different path in life. I would add that in high school I had this admiration for one of the football players. I did mention it once to someone that I thought he was handsome without knowing that word was only reserved for girls to describe guys. I got some flak for saying it but fortunately nothing more. After high school I went on to college. My<b> parents </font></b>could only afford part of my costs so I worked several part time jobs while attending college. So between classes, studying, and working I did not have much time to indulge in this hidden fantasy. Part 2 – post college to follow. Be safe.


Gina_L07 68T
387 posts
7/8/2020 9:13 am

Part 2 to follow soon. Got to do this while I still remember it.

Gina_L07 68T
387 posts
7/8/2020 11:43 am

OK..forgot that some numbers are censored. So let's just say the second sentence should read that it all started in the first teen year.

orlandofun7 58M
185 posts
10/12/2020 10:30 am

Gina I want to one day soon be your lover.


isubmit2Unow 71T  
11 posts
7/5/2021 10:26 pm

Our stories are SO similar, but i am guessing that others of my age bracket are likely to have had the same experiences. I want so much to be more open with someone about my urge to dress up and entertain as often as i want, but i lack the backbone that You have found. i was close to my fiftieth birth day when i finally
had sex with a man as an adult. I have been through several expensive purges of everything "missy", and now i seem to be in a sort of "limbo," I am interested in transition, but know in my heart that's not for me at this age. Thank you for being so frank and open about what you are doing. It is helping me to decide what course I'm going to take. i am sure I'll never be able to say with any honesty that I don't care what family and friends, or even strangers think of me, I do care, too much. I hope to find more answers on how you resolved these issues, and what can i do to "rock the boat", and avoid tipping it over. YOURS, missy

isubmit2Unow 71T  
11 posts
7/5/2021 11:22 pm

    Quoting Gina_L07:
    OK..forgot that some numbers are censored. So let's just say the second sentence should read that it all started in the first teen year.
Gina, Thanks again. My curiosity came to the forefront just a couple of years earlier than yours. when my mom asked me to take a couple bags of clothes that a co-worker had given her down to our furnace to dispose of them. Far from disposing of this treasure trove of goodies, i secreted them away when i discovered how good the silky blouses and pleated black skirt felt against my skin.
Even at this age i was aware that NO ONE could know how much i liked this peculiar secret of dressing up, I had no desire to be labeled as a "queer" or a "sissy" and yet, when i looked at myself in the mirror I would become incredibly aroused and always masturbate until I, "GOT THE FEELING," immediately afterward this awful wave of guilt would sweep over me and I'd hide this little stash of girl clothes, and just go back to being "all boy" until the next time i got the opportunity to play alone. You mentioned your "Father son talk" , my dad caught me off guard years after this little secret of mine had become a habit, he handed me a booklet that was issued to him when he joined the army during WW2 . This book had graphic pictures of every STD known to man, but little information on relationships and, imagine this, nothing about X-dressing. LOL

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