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Online Dating Month One A Leap Into The Void  

Ericlo1972 52M
1 posts
7/29/2021 6:11 am
Online Dating Month One A Leap Into The Void

Act One: The Catalyst
At this point it had been ten years since my last dates. About 23 years since my last sexual contact and I had given up on the idea of dating or sex. A girl from my past reaches out me. She went high school with me and had a huge crush on me. I was popular in high school and had a couple very pretty girlfriends but not that much sex. She said that at her sixteenth birthday<b> party </font></b>we had kissed and it was very special. I do not remember her but is a sweet moment I am glad that idiot year old me had not messed up a nice thing. He did that a lot. Dumbass.

So Face Book messenger and friend request comes in. Now to be honest if someone sends a request with out saying hello I delete it. Not good manners to collect people like baseball cards but now I am on a tangent. Backto our story in progress.

She states the information I stated and that she loved all my photos and would love to go fishing with me. I bass fish not saltwater and have a lake I can access. She beach fishes but wants to try freshwater fishing.

Alright now we move to the messenger voice chatting. Starts off getting to know each other she talks about high school a lot and then says I do not want to talk about high school. I state you know my group of friends were tight and a little aloof. I have no idea about any of the people you are referencing. The constant use of the word like and the bar fly tone of her voice as she drinks too much and becomes combative is telling these are red flags, but she has a runners body and is now throwing it at me pretty hard. Three days in and no interest in fishing. We set a date. The night before date talking dirty on the phone and she is ready to jump in an Uber come to my work and FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME!

Act Two: The Reaction
She tells me she needs tell me about her past. She has had a die and alcohol addiction. Substance abuse problems. Mental health issues and went jail for four months at a rather nasty neck of the woods in the state of the insane. Fort Pierce Florida. Having her drivers license revoked and then probation and so on. Now we get the problem. I am so wound up for the sex that I state yes I accept all we are going do this. Sex with the emotionally a mess, drug and alcohol abuser, with mental health issues. She is fucking and has been 23 years. THE SHIT OUT OF HER!

Act Three: The Results
A night before our lunch date keep in mind I do not take her up on the work sex. I want really enjoy this. Be sure to take my time really getting know her and at least be kind to her. Even though I have ulterior motives. We are talking she is drinking being combative and I say what might have been the brightest thing I have ever said while my penis was consuming all the blood going my actual brain. "I want you know that your past has a lot of red flags. Not saying that I am out, just know I have my concerns."

Wow that seems extreme no more voice calls but we are now texting and is not a pretty sight. I try be cordial she is nasty and unpleasant. I continue for a few days exchanging pleasantries and she picks fights. She brings up things from our day relationship and throwing in my face. Like we have been dating for years. My breaking point. I tell her you know I was putting up with your nonsense because I wanted sex. Plain and simple. Her response that is fine you seem like you need a weak women. Intimidated by a real woman.

"Words. I know longer respect your opinion. Do not care what you have say. You are an unhappy hole. Sucking away happiness from people around you." Blocked her and unfriended her. At some point dawned on me this whole thing was about her high school crush. She wanted see if she could have me and when I showed the tiniest bit of common sense about her situation she flipped the switch make him mode. She did not care about me she asked me no real questions showing interest just naughty pictures some dirty talk and the demand accept my past!

The thought that someone from my past with a huge crush on me. So very , throwing pussy at me make my life miserable for ten days. We did not go on one date. I did not even have her phone . My conclusion?


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