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Friday Farm Day 3  

EnigmaInitiative 56F  
3043 posts
12/31/2021 5:54 am
Friday Farm Day 3

Friday Farm Day
Friday Farm Day 2

Hey all!

Same Disclaimers as usual:

I know I don't live on a farm, no need to tell me. I enjoy the alliteration of the title.

I grow from seed, except berries, bananas, and orange tree. I use no pesticides or fertilizer besides my own homemade compost. Though, I am looking into getting some beneficial insects next spring.

(PS, in case you didn't know, bananas don't have seeds. They have pups that grow from the mother plant's rhizome. You can (and I have) separate the pup from the mother plant and grow a whole new banana plant from it. I'm currently growing seven separate banana plants from one mother plant.)

This is my first year growing anything successfully. I live in Florida Zone 9B

First up, it seems my favorite seed company has taken note of the sucker written across my forehead and sent me their new catalogue. This is pretty exciting for me as Baker Creek has a wide variety of heirloom seeds. (What is an heirloom? The definition is open to dispute. But the term is usually applied to fruit, flower or vegetables varieties that were being grown before World War II. Heirloom varieties are open-pollinated--meaning that unlike hybrids, seeds you collect from one year will produce plants with most of the characteristics of the parent plant. And that's key to their survival.)

I finally got all my berries in the ground. This is a blueberry

Look at how big my baby papayas are getting!

Also, finally got all my pink celery in the ground

And, lastly, but certainly not least, my orange tree is starting to bloom!

Happy Friday all!

This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.

EnigmaInitiative 56F  
6054 posts
12/31/2021 5:55 am

Hey all!

Same Disclaimers as usual:

I know I don't live on a farm, no need to tell me. I enjoy the alliteration of the title.

I grow from seed, except berries, bananas, and orange tree. I use no pesticides or fertilizer besides my own homemade compost. Though, I am looking into getting some beneficial insects next spring.

(PS, in case you didn't know, bananas don't have seeds. They have pups that grow from the mother plant's rhizome. You can (and I have) separate the pup from the mother plant and grow a whole new banana plant from it. I'm currently growing seven separate banana plants from one mother plant.)

This is my first year growing anything successfully. I live in Florida Zone 9B

First up, it seems my favorite seed company has taken note of the sucker written across my forehead and sent me their new catalogue. This is pretty exciting for me as Baker Creek has a wide variety of heirloom seeds. (What is an heirloom? The definition is open to dispute. But the term is usually applied to fruit, flower or vegetables varieties that were being grown before World War II. Heirloom varieties are open-pollinated--meaning that unlike hybrids, seeds you collect from one year will produce plants with most of the characteristics of the parent plant. And that's key to their survival.)

I finally got all my berries in the ground. This is a blueberry

Look at how big my baby papayas are getting!

Also, finally got all my pink celery in the ground

And, lastly, but certainly not least, my orange tree is starting to bloom!

Happy Friday all!

This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.

Alannah_cd 67T  
195 posts
12/31/2021 6:15 am

the "farm" is looking good! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:26 pm:
Thank you Alannah!

xDude456 62M
31391 posts
12/31/2021 6:25 am

Happy Growing

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:26 pm:
I'm pretty happy doing so, but thanks

CedarsPrince 44M
1608 posts
12/31/2021 6:27 am

One of the things I look forward to when I become a home owner is having my own fruit/veggie garden

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:27 pm:
Do so, it is my sincere wish that more people would grow food rather than grass.

staci_19702 53T
3767 posts
12/31/2021 6:36 am

That looks great!!
Wish we could grow more. Currently have 2 pineapples that Are still green. The avocados didn’t make it. 😞. I don’t know about the other stuff. That’s wifeys area of expertise.
The cacti thrive! 😃

Have a great day! 💋

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:29 pm:
I'm going to take a guess that it has something to do with the medium in which you're growing. AKA: your dirt. Or, it could be a watering issue thing....Texas is hot like Florida in the summer and requires a great deal more watering than most states.

flannel_light 61F  
4586 posts
12/31/2021 6:49 am

You do not need to,live on a farm to have a beautiful garden like you have. It all looks great👍

The Light is shinning and she is lonely and waiting in the darkness.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:29 pm:
So true flannel. Thank you

G000dbuddy 36M
1676 posts
12/31/2021 7:53 am



EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:29 pm:
Thanks and Happy New Year to you too.

pal334 70M  
45821 posts
12/31/2021 7:57 am

Well done! What a great feeling to take control

Please cum visit my blog,,,,,,,,,,,,pal334

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:31 pm:
Thanks, that means a bit more coming from you, I'm sure you know why.

I'm glad to have some control over my food supply, and we're looking into some farms to buy our protein from in bulk rather than supporting these freaking corporate supermarkets.

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
12/31/2021 8:30 am

Thanks. I've learnt a lot with your post. I now what heirloom seeds are and bananas have pups!
You are blogland's official gardener.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:32 pm:
I'm so glad you did. I'm going to attempt to add a little knowledge in every Farm Day post. Then, as spring grows closer, I may add a "how I start seeds" post.

jamesn 55M
20 posts
12/31/2021 8:32 am

Happy New Year!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:32 pm:
Happy New Year to you too james

CleavageFan4U 67M
69374 posts
12/31/2021 9:29 am

Very cool.

Can I look down your blouse as you bend over to tend the plants?

The Sexual Reassignment Surgery Bowl
Doing My Own Thing, on HNW
Signs of the Times
[post 3312759] My Private Post - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets – Anything you write here is just between us

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:33 pm:


Given that I usually wear a tight tank top sans bra and shorts to garden, you may not actually be able to see down it...though you'd definitely see the tatas.

crosstraining 71T  
8367 posts
12/31/2021 10:23 am

Looks like your getting a Green thump , That would be a good hair color , Happy New Year , XOXO

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:33 pm:
I am, finally.

I did think about green, but then ended up with teal.

author51 61F
129960 posts
12/31/2021 10:37 am

Your Papayas have sure grown my farm girl and the other plants are looking healthy and glad some are starting to produce the fruits and veggies of your labour.. Happy New Year's Eve. Continued growth to you in all areas of life my friend.xoxo

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:34 pm:
I know, remember how they looked just two weeks ago? I can't wait till they're ready to go into my smoothies.

Happy New Year my friend

spankandsquirt20 45F  
10597 posts
12/31/2021 12:11 pm

Oh my you are doing awesome! I don't really have green thumbs but where I'm renting now I have this beautiful garden. All I have to do really is keep after the weeds. Maybe I should hire myself a gardener to do the weeding and I can just lay out there and soak up the sun Mind you right now everything is just covered in snow and ice so I guess I will have to figure out something else do do

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:35 pm:
Thanks spanky, I appreciate it. I love doing it, it's so relaxing.

There you go, and get yourself one that's nice to look at while you watch them work.

Happy New Year

Logan0867 57M
244 posts
12/31/2021 12:32 pm

You gotta send me a papaya LOL I never heard of pink celery.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:36 pm:
You KNOW I would.

Pink celery is an heirloom, I haven't tasted it yet...but I'll let you know.

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
12/31/2021 2:06 pm

You're doing a grand job so far

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:36 pm:
Thanks citizen, I work real hard at it.

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
12/31/2021 2:10 pm

And a happy Friday to you as well.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:36 pm:
Happy New Year Paul

mc_justmc 64M

12/31/2021 2:38 pm

Happy New Year Enigma!!!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 8:37 pm:
Happy New Year Mc!

pacnwlover42 55M
9808 posts
12/31/2021 9:22 pm

I love tropical fruits. 🍊🍋🍌🥭🍍🥝 Looks like Florida is having a warm winter so far. 🌞🌴

Funny women are incredibly sexy!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 10:02 pm:
I love them myself, which is why I'm growing so many.

Florida has yet to hit what anyone would consider cold. Sure, there was a night that got into the fifties and I started a fire cuz I'm a wimp when it comes to the cold, but for the most's staying in the eighties during the day.

Happy New Year

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
12/31/2021 11:41 pm

I love farm Fridays!! Your plants are doing great! I had no idea how new banana plants happened.
Happy New Year!!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 1/1/2022 5:22 am:
Thanks, I love them myself!

Yeah, I didn't know that either, or that bananas used to have seeds (those little black dots}, but we bred them out over the years.

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
1/1/2022 9:21 am

Wait.....What?? PINK celery?
I think we're going to need pictures of that when you dig it up!

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 1/1/2022 9:30 am:
Oh yes pagan, pink celery! It's an heirloom.

I will definitely post pics!

I especially want to show you all the things I'm growing that you won't find in a supermarket.

CleavageFan4U 67M
69374 posts
1/1/2022 11:29 am

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/31/2021 10:33 pm:
...Given that I usually wear a tight tank top sans bra and shorts to garden, you may not actually be able to see down it...though you'd definitely see the tatas.


Side boob views are fine too.

The Sexual Reassignment Surgery Bowl
Doing My Own Thing, on HNW
Signs of the Times
[post 3312759] My Private Post - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets – Anything you write here is just between us

EnigmaInitiative replies on 1/1/2022 3:26 pm:
Should have known

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