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Friday Farm Day 2  

EnigmaInitiative 56F  
3043 posts
12/24/2021 6:44 am
Friday Farm Day 2

Merry Christmas Eve all!

First, Disclaimers

I know I don't live on a farm, I love the alliteration of the title.

I grow from seed, with a few exceptions (aka berries and bananas) without the help of fertilizers beyond compost or pesticides. And, this is the first year I've been able to grow food, anything really, thinking I had a black thumb for most of my life.

I live in Florida, in subtropical weather, this enables me to grow year round. Zone 9B.

Gardening is a skill that can be learned. I'm not saying everyone has the time for it, nor wants to do it. However, if you want to, let's just say reminders on smart phones have been super helpful, as well as youtube.

It is my sincere hope that more people will grow some of their food, even if it's just something like tomatoes, lort people if you eat a tomato fresh from the vine, how can you go back to mealy, bland supermarket tomatoes?

Speaking of tomatoes, let me introduce you to one that I'm fairly sure not many have heard of. They're called Everglades Tomatoes.

Everglades Tomatoes were originally bred for Florida. The title kinda gives it away, huh? They are small and very sweet, and never get over the size of a blueberry. The plants get huge and bushy.

What you see here are a whole bunch of volunteers, and some Arugula (Rocket) lettuce.

Three tomatoes plants just decided to come up on their own without me planting them. My compost pile was in that spot for a little while, so I suspect it came from there. I'm not quite sure what kind these are, but we'll find out when the fruit starts growing, eh? There's also a black eyed pea I didn't plant.

Now, I want to show you what happens when you don't find a moth larvae soon enough, and it decimates your Swiss chard

Had I been paying closer attention, I probably would have noticed it before that little bugger ate it all. But, this is also the price I pay for not utilizing pesticides. Though, I have been looking at getting some beneficial insects for Spring.

Finally, my bounty this morning. I didn't pick a lot, just wanted to have a salad. Today is a full day of cooking and baking for me.

I probably won't be around much today or tomorrow, but I suspect that's true of a lot of bloggers.

This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.

EnigmaInitiative 56F  
6054 posts
12/24/2021 6:47 am

Merry Christmas Eve all!

First, Disclaimers

I know I don't live on a farm, I love the alliteration of the title.

I grow from seed, with a few exceptions (aka berries and bananas) without the help of fertilizers beyond compost or pesticides. And, this is the first year I've been able to grow food, anything really, thinking I had a black thumb for most of my life.

I live in Florida, in subtropical weather, this enables me to grow year round. Zone 9B.

Gardening is a skill that can be learned. I'm not saying everyone has the time for it, nor wants to do it. However, if you want to, let's just say reminders on smart phones have been super helpful, as well as youtube.

It is my sincere hope that more people will grow some of their food, even if it's just something like tomatoes, lort people if you eat a tomato fresh from the vine, how can you go back to mealy, bland supermarket tomatoes?

Speaking of tomatoes, let me introduce you to one that I'm fairly sure not many have heard of. They're called Everglades Tomatoes.

Everglades Tomatoes were originally bred for Florida. The title kinda gives it away, huh? They are small and very sweet, and never get over the size of a blueberry. The plants get huge and bushy.

What you see here are a whole bunch of volunteers, and some Arugula (Rocket) lettuce.

Three tomatoes plants just decided to come up on their own without me planting them. My compost pile was in that spot for a little while, so I suspect it came from there. I'm not quite sure what kind these are, but we'll find out when the fruit starts growing, eh? There's also a black eyed pea I didn't plant.

Now, I want to show you what happens when you don't find a moth larvae soon enough, and it decimates your Swiss chard

Had I been paying closer attention, I probably would have noticed it before that little bugger ate it all. But, this is also the price I pay for not utilizing pesticides. Though, I have been looking at getting some beneficial insects for Spring.

Finally, my bounty this morning. I didn't pick a lot, just wanted to have a salad. Today is a full day of cooking and baking for me.

I probably won't be around much today or tomorrow, but I suspect that's true of a lot of bloggers.

This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
12/24/2021 6:55 am

I've got a snowman growing on my deck
Does that count? 🤔

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/24/2021 8:08 am:

I mean, you can't eat it, can you?

CleavageFan4U 67M
69374 posts
12/24/2021 7:25 am

When I lived in Fort Lauderdale I didn't have a garden per se, but we did have producing mango, key lime and orange trees.

Now here in Kansas in plant tomatoes and sweet peppers. I sun-dry or freeze, or make salsa out of what I cannot eat in season. That is SOO yummy come winter!

I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Are You Feeling It Yet
Festive Green Wrappings, on HNW
Learning Greek
[post 3312759] My Private Post - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets – Anything you write here is just between us

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/24/2021 8:11 am:
My neighbors on both sides have mangoes and avocados and I didn't bother putting any in.

It's so nice to have some stuff available in the winter that you've grown.

Merry Christmas Eve

Alannah_cd 67T  
195 posts
12/24/2021 7:26 am

the tomatoes look great and delicious! happy holidays!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/24/2021 8:11 am:
They're tasty too


Merry Christmas Eve

justskin1 72M
13175 posts
12/24/2021 7:30 am

I live in an apartment so no growing stuff for me. I used to love having flower beds when I lived in a house. Wait, I still do grow some things. I love to make things grow on Diane. They do not get very big but are oh so succulent.
May you have a wonderful next few days. Sending a big naked Holiday hug for a most interesting sexy woman.

If you see me in the real world, come say "Hi Justskin."

I always behave. Preferably not well.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/24/2021 8:12 am:
Yeah, it's tough in apartments unless you have a balcony.

I'm sure she enjoys you making things grow on her.


Merry Christmas Eve

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
12/24/2021 7:35 am

I'm going to start with a herb garden when I move home.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/24/2021 8:13 am:
Good plan, herbs are super easy to grow.

Try rosemary especially, it's like a weed.

staci_19702 53T
3767 posts
12/24/2021 7:40 am

Oh that’s great!
Not much of a green thumb here. My lawn was great this year. Along with my cacti collection. Cactus are my friends!

Have a great day! 💋

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/24/2021 8:14 am:
Thank you

Cacti are interesting...I lived in Arizona for a while and had plenty. Even fell in one once as a kid

mc_justmc 64M

12/24/2021 7:46 am

Even if I tried, the beast that lives in the backyard would eat everything including any kind of fencing I put up to stop him.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/24/2021 8:15 am:
You COULD get a couple of totes, put holes in the bottom, put them on top of some table up high where the beast can't get to them, fill them with soil and plant to your heart's content.

redrockrascal 65M
23580 posts
12/24/2021 8:24 am

Nice tomatoes and the produce looks good too

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:18 am:
Did you want to squeeze them to see if they're fresh?


chrissy20073 65T
315 posts
12/24/2021 8:43 am

garden and plants look great love planting and watching things grow although dont have much time for it this year Merry Christmas

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:18 am:
Awww, maybe next year you'll have more time.

Merry Christmas

author51 61F
129960 posts
12/24/2021 8:56 am

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? Love seeing the progress of your farm fresh produce my friend. Keep it all going and growing my friend. Happy Christmas Eve to you. Merry Christmas also as I may have time for my usual Christmas song post in the wee hours, but will be off afterwards until Monday morning....xoxo

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:19 am:

Merry Christmas Joy

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
12/24/2021 9:23 am

Neem oil. It's a great way to get rid of those pesky little crawly (and flying) critters that like to munch on your garden. It's also organic and safe for you to handle. Mix with a bit of liquid soap and some water, spray on and no more things that bug you!
Merry Christmas

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:20 am:
Neem oil?

I'm going to look for it the next time I'm at the garden center.

Thanks pagan, I appreciate it.

Merry Christmas

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 6:21 am:
PS, I'm blocked from your blog, so I wasn't able to wish you a Merry Christmas there.

BicuriousCar 64F
76 posts
12/24/2021 11:59 am

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to say that I enjoy your garden pictures though I am jealous. Wish I had a green thumb like yours. I am in garden zone 9.

Please keep making me jealous!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:23 am:
Every Friday I'll be talking garden. So, your wish is granted.

Merry Christmas

And, thanks for stopping by and responding.

Weeload2 61M
1104 posts
12/24/2021 12:14 pm

Looking good. Personally I could go for some fresh hot peppers. I caught a nasty chest cold and sore throat. It's going to be a mellow Christmas Eve and day here

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:24 am:
I have some hot peppers flowering, but we've eaten all the ones I've grown over the summer.

I hope you feel better soon

Merry Christmas

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
12/24/2021 1:55 pm

I wish I had your energy and enthusiasm for gardening.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:25 am:
Aw, some of that is my ADHD, trust that there are many many things that my brain wanders all over the place and I can't get shit done.

Merry Christmas!

pacnwlover42 55M
9808 posts
12/24/2021 9:27 pm

Great tomatoes! Thanks for sharing more of your garden pics.

Funny women are incredibly sexy!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:25 am:
Thanks pac, yep, the plan is every Friday.

Merry Christmas

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
12/25/2021 1:58 am

Your Everglades tomatoes sound delicious.
Save the cans from your daily cooking. Cut off the top and bottom. When you plant tomatoes (or anything maybe) put the seedling in the ground with the can partly under the level or soil. Many worms cannot go up and over the can to get to the plant. It's not perfect but it did help my garden a lot.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:27 am:
Thanks Pony, seriously, the can idea is an awesome one. I've been just frustrated as hell with these moth larvae. (Cukes were a wash this year. I planted six plants and got one cuke. )

Merry Christmas

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 6:16 am:
PS, if you want some Everglades seeds, hit me up and I'll mail you some. I'm sure they'll grow in OK.

pal334 70M  
45821 posts
12/25/2021 3:08 am

The make and so much start

Please cum visit my blog,,,,,,,,,,,,pal334

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:27 am:
I'm really trying to decipher this, but I'm stumped

Merry Christmas

justme51 72M

12/25/2021 3:09 am

Merry Christmas

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 5:27 am:
Merry Christmas to you too

redrockrascal 65M
23580 posts
12/25/2021 7:34 am

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 7:18 am:
Did you want to squeeze them to see if they're fresh?

I thought putting tomatoes in your mouth was how you checked them

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/25/2021 8:27 am:

No, you're right, I was mistaken

lunchandconvo 54F  
4034 posts
12/26/2021 8:44 pm

lovely plants!
i just like to be in the know so i joined my garden club.
but for now with the deer i don't grow anything.
they eat the azalea blossoms!
Sherman didn't realized he has azalea bushes!!

EnigmaInitiative replies on 12/27/2021 6:00 am:
Thank you

My problem isn't deer, it's ducks. Lort, these ducks drive me bonkers.

Deer can be a real issue though from what I've heard, eating everything they can.

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