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The Light, The Tunnel and A Train  

DonnaChang 54F
458 posts
1/22/2021 9:31 pm
The Light, The Tunnel and A Train

Metallica wrote a song No Leaf Clover with the lyrics, "Then it comes be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel, was just a freight train coming your way". I quote these lyrics because of the freight train many people in the country experience every time there is a Presidential election and a change of power.

Many people will actually feel the freight train and its affect with Joe Biden as President. Just like those that felt the Freight Train when every other President before him took office. It is just a reality and many are not able to cope with reality.

The amount of hate that is spewed on social media<b> websites </font></b>is insurmountable. I cannot fathom that there are that many unintelligent, cowardly human beings on this planet. First, you don't have to like who is president. Second, learn from this and move on. Make it a priority to make your world the best that it can be. You don't need a Politician to do that for you. I do believe this is still a country of 'We The People'.

If all you can do is spew hatred, then you are not my people. I don't accept cowardly behavior in my world. I make jokes about all politicians because I can. I do not support politicians because they do not represent me once they become a politician.

And I certainly do not need any hateful cowards telling me how I will be when this one or that one is President. They ALL suck!

Altoonaguy1snaap 46M

1/26/2021 2:12 pm

agree with you

jajo696 114F  
4287 posts
1/24/2021 6:37 am

Couldnt agree more...they ALL have problems. We as individuals just shut up and do the best we can...Be the Change. Live to be the example ~

Great !! post. Thank you~

hippiechick1967 61F  
13154 posts
1/23/2021 3:12 pm

Sometimes I feel like we're living in a Ray Bradbury novel.

Elevate me...

classicalrebel4 69M  
1755 posts
1/23/2021 7:12 am

We need more boring moderates in office. We could use a real break from all the storm and drama.

Please don't let me be misunderstood.

pandaswag125 59M

1/23/2021 7:02 am

It is not merely hate but the manipulation of truth....I am no fan of Trump but I find Biden as inspiring as cold pizza...look, daily balanced newspapers have disappeared and been replaces by countless social media platforms. It is our own modern day Tower of Babel.. and that freight train? It's not returning to any sane station any time soon

notsure1949 75M
10657 posts
1/23/2021 6:01 am

agree too much hate, lots came from party in power now and supporters, do not condone violence or destruction and do not want to get into any gory details, the news media did enough of that

stopbyandsayboo 52M
1295 posts
1/23/2021 4:17 am

Very interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing that thought

I hope no one steps on your pinky toe lol

Have an awesome weekend


ltrskr 76M

1/22/2021 9:49 pm

Yeah, He just sent the fright train thru Wisconsin after they let him cheat!
Oh BTW it's headed EAST! Kiss ur fright train good morning....

DonnaChang 54F
212 posts
1/22/2021 9:37 pm

I look at you, then you me
Hungry and thirsty are we
Holding the lion's share
Holding the key
Holding me back 'cause I'm striving to be

Better than you

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