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strange dreams and changing life
strange dreams and changing life to start, life has been in flux for me over the last 6 plus years. not always good, but not always bad. Life is like that I am told. as I am getting a little older, I am starting to see a number of my friends having health problems. some more pronounced, and others starting the first signs of age after a well lived life. I too am seeing signs of this in my life. hair starting to change color, wrinkles developing, and things not working as they once did. that is to say I take longer to get moving when I wake than I used to. While there may be other changes, they have not yet been noted. give it time. this plays to the strange dreams of late. on days where work calls me to town, I have been having vivid dreams of friends. and most have highly sexual overtones. some are almost pornographic. almost. today was one. and on the way to work, I stopped to see a friend I have not been to see for a month or two. She still looks as good as ever, and her other half was home from work, working on his next job. idle chat always leads down strange paths with me, and today was not an exception. well, not exactly idle, but not exactly focused. There was mild flirtation, and some veiled suggestions as usual, and as always I had to play 'em down. This is not to say there was not<b> temptation </font></b>to do otherwise, but without invite. . .. I try to mind my manners. Another stop or two and I was almost ready to head home after work. and I stopped by to see another couple of friends. One I made a point of bringing a smile to a lady who had a bit of a day. I do that normally, but this one was because I had not stopped in to offer a smile, or otherwise make a good moment or two during the day. I got a hug out of the deal, and snuck a peck on the cheek. I suspect I could suggest more, but I try to mind my manners. again, without an invite, I don't suggest more. no sense in getting slapped for misreading what I think I see. and I am at a point I am looking forward to all the friends I can keep. refer back to others getting older. still, she has a great way with hugs. either that, or I am becoming a lecherous old man I am hopeful she is just great with hugs |
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